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Tuxedo Moon's Profile

Name: Core

Identities: Core, Tuxedo Moon, Prince Coren, King COren

Age: 18

Birthday: July 18th

Favorite Colors: yellow, black, blue

Favorite Animal: reptiles

Favorite Food: Sushii

Least Favorite Food: eggs

Favorite Subject: English

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Favorite Holdiday: St. Patrick's Day

Hobbies: Karate, Sword Fighting, drawing,spending a lot of time with Sierra, and sometimes with Bunny

Weaknesses: Math, Patient Ppl. cleaning

Strengths: Karate, Fighting, writing, flirting,drawing, Loving

Weapons: gold roses, light beams, moon staff

Pets: none

Dreams: To be married and committed to Sierra, to be a world's famous artist

Destiney: To become the loving husband and King to Sailor Taurus/Bunny.
