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Indiana Obits

Foster Skaggs obit taken from Linton Daily Citizen Linton Indiana 24 July 1950

Foster Skaggs 54 years old a disabled vereran of WW1 died at 6:15 o'clock Sunday morning at the family home four and one half miles north west of Linton on State Road 54.
Mr Skaggs had spent 47 years in the same community. He was born near Martinsville on June 4. 1896 the son of Thomas and Agnes Ennis Skaggs. During WW1 he had served in Ambulance Co22 of the Seventh Division. He was a member of the Linton Frank Courtney American Legon Post. Early in life he had been employed in the coal mines in the area and Later was an upholster and did some oil paintings and was a craftsman in wood and leather notions. He was survived by one sister Miss Norris Skaggs at home. His body was taken too the Welch and Cornett Funeral Home and later removed to the family residence where friends may call. Funeral Services will be held at 10:00 o'clock Tuesday morning at the family home with Maurice Clymore officiating. Continued services will be held at the Centenial Church northeast of Martinsville at 1:00 pm cst Tuesday and burial will be made in the Centenial cementary. The Linton American Legion Post will confer military honors at the graveside.