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Sandy Beach

*you are led onto a beach. You see sand everywhere and the rythmic splashes of water on the shore calm you. You sigh and close your eyes. You almost drift off to sleep standing when a Unicorn looking creature canters up to you noisily* Hello..*It talks softly and looks at you observingly* I'm a Warrior Unicorn. My keeper and JadeEye, my creator, did a trade for me. *she closes her eyes, and you move forward to pet her.* Don't touch! *you are so startled that you fall backwards* How could you see me?? *she shakes her head and turns her rump towards you where you see a marking unlike no other, it is an eye that is crying. You open your mouth to speak, but cannot* I must go now. *she trots off*

Age Adult
Species Warrior Unicorn
Gender Mare
Sire Wild
Dam Wild
Mate None
From ??

*you treck farther down the beach and see a small animal with horns laughing at a small crab that is trying to climb over an ever steepining sand hill. You smile as well and giggle a little. The creature looks up*
Hello. I'm Jeys'Tfo'Lont, a Kier'dey'lor. *she smiles crookedly and you nod, coming closer* No! No! NO!!! *she cries as you upset the balance of sand and it topples over on the crab. You frown a little, telling Jeys that you are sorry. She sniffles* It''s ok. He lived a nice life. *she smiles again* Well, I hope you have a nice journey! *she leaps out into the ocean*

Name Jeys'Tfo'Lont
Age Adult
Species Kier'dey'lor
Gender Female
From Kier Adoption


Horns r, r*
Front Fetlocks S, S
Hind Fetlocks T, t
Tail A, a*
Wings F, f
Color O, o

*You watch her for a moment, and you see a small creature much like her emerge from the surf*
*This one is obviously a foal. She canters up to you and giggles* Hi! My mommy told me that a human was here, you must be it! Nice to meet you, I'm Rinn'Issa'Gof. Bye Bye! *the frisky Kier gallops back down to the occean*

Sha-Haven Jungle