A short warning..

How fun, I get to warn you guys before you read this story. This warning is basically just to save my ass. If you are:

  • immature
  • homophobic
  • under the age of about 16

Do NOT continue. This story has some very strong adult themes, namely graphic homosexual sex. Which is why we call it a lemony yaoi fic. (yaoi- homosexual relationship/lemon- graphic). As I stated in the art menu, the citrus level is at about 8 so it's pretty raunchy. I couldn't really give a rat's ass if you're 18 or not...the way I figure it, if you're mature enough to handle it, go right ahead and read it. Just don't go flaming me if you don't like the content. I warned you.

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

If you are squealing with anticipation, please, by all means...continue

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