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AJ's Biography

Full Name: Alexander James McLean

Birthdate: January 09, 1978

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Pets: Two Shih-Tzu puppies named Panda and Bear (Brother and sister)

Girlfriend Status: Single

Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction

Favorite Songs From Millennium: Don't Want You Back, The Perfect Fan, and Larger Than Life

Favorite Color: yellow

Favorite Food: McDonalds' #6--Two quarter pounders with cheese, a coke or ice tea with no lemon, and a large fries

Favorite Book: The Witches

Favorite School Subject: English

What He Looks For In A Girl: He looks at a girl's eyes first. "I know it seems crazy, but I look at her eyes and I feel that if I can look straight into those eyes, I can understand her." He also likes long hair and long fingernails, but he cares mostly about a girl's personalit. "I don't care if they're tall, short, fat, or skinny, as long as they have a really good personality.

Some of AJ's favorite things to do are: Shoot pool, go shopping, talk, play golf, write poetry, swim, dance, go to nightclubs, and flirt with girls.