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Hi! Welcome to my AJ McLean Website. In case you were wondering, no I am not AJ McLean, a BSB member, a BSB band member, related, or going out with AJ. I am just a very devoted fan. So please do not send me love letters because they will never get to him or any other member. You can e-mail AJ at

Note: This page is under major construction. I will try to get at least some of the above links finished by January, 2000. Thanx for your patience. KTBSPA!!!

Also, please sign the guestbook. It lets me know who was here, you could get some free advertising out of it, and I might visit your site and give you an award! So please sign the guestbook. Thanks.

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The interactive quiz, message board, and poll have been moved to the extras page. Please come see what else is there.

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