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"Korea, the Last of the Fun Wars"
From the Beach to the Reservoir & Other Heroic Events

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Chapter Excerpt #2 | Pages of Poem

* Korea, the Last of the Fun Wars *


Photographs Courtesy Marine Corps University Research Archives

From the Beach to the Reservoir - Page 2 of Poem
2 -- Landing Craft Rendezvous Prior to H-Hour.
3 -- Control Vessels Prepare for the Landing on Wolmi.

From the Beach to the Reservoir - Page 13 of Poem
10 -- First Marine Division takes to the road on withdrawal from Koto-ri. Hdqtrs. No. A-5358, Defense Dept. photo (Marine Corps), Sgt. F. C. Kerr.
11 -- A combat patrol moves through snow fields in valley near Koto-ri, 8 Dec 50.
From the Beach to the Reservoir - Page 8 of Poem
8 -- A dying Marine, on the road to Seoul. c 9/50.

From the Beach to the Reservoir - Page 20 of Poem
19 -- Side by side, bodies of British Royal Marines, American Soldiers, South Koreans, and our own Marines are buried at Koto-ri. 8 Dec 50.
20 -- Troops of RCT 7 move into attack on road to Chinhung-ni, 8 Dec 50.

Home | The Author | The Book | Table of Contents | Chapter Excerpt #1
Chapter Excerpt #2 | Pages of Poem