Place: The true Sound Studio Survivor will recieve the
following: He/she will have his/her choice of which TV
company (CBS, ABC, NBC, or FOX) he/she wishes to sign on
with. With this he/she receives a deal for a gauranteed full
season show. Along with this prize, he/she also is allowed
to put out up to two commercials promoting his/her TV
show. Second Place: The second place winner will receive the following:
He/she will be able to pick which TV show he/she would like
to make one special appearance on. He/she will also be
allowed to co-star in one full season of the show the first
place winner will have. Third
Place: The third place winner will receive the following: He/she
will be allowed to host one episode of Saturday Night
Live. Fourth
Place: The fourth place winner will receive the following:
He/she will be able to pick which TV show he/she would
like to make one special appearance on.