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ADD/ADHD Or just a child?

This is my journal. I will update it as often as I possible.




Letter to the Colorado Dept. of Education
Citizens Commission on Human Rights Dr. Block - AWESOME!! Dianne Craft
Death from Ritalin
Omega-3 can help
books from
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In the beginning if the 2001 school year Christopher was put into teacher #1 class. There were many discussions on Chris taking up too much of her time. His aggression toward the other child was "corrected" by placing him alone at a table facing the wall. I informed her that that was not acceptable but cruel. teacher #1 moved him back with the other children. Ms Young was very distort and frustrated with Chris. We had a talk about the possibility of her being "burned out" with Chris in her class. She said she was not and the amount of complaints about him became less. teacher #1 said that she turned a request in for a child study to do done. I asked what that was. I was told that it was where a bunch of people got together to figure out a way to help Chris learn. I was not sure who a "bunch of people" was but it got my curiosity up!!

On one occasion teacher #1 told me that the Assistant Principle was in the class and took Christopher by the hand through out the day. teacher #1 did not seem happy about that so I punished Chris at home for this. The next day I called Assistant Principle and as for any documentation that she had taken on Chris the day before. Assistant Principle was very confused!! It seems she was there to evaluate the teacher and Chris went to her and took her by the hand to spend the day with. Events such as this continued. Chris had to sit on his name during calendar time, which was fine, but eventually he was moved to a square taped on the floor next to teacher #1 for a few weeks. I asked him if he knew why he was sitting in the square. He had no idea after that amount of time.

In the parent teacher conference he was rated with no skills and needs improvement on everything. At the conference again I had asked about show and tell for the children. teacher #1 said "the children are not ready for it, they get jealous of each other’s teddy bears." She also stated that when I had my own class that I could do what I wanted at that time. In this amount of time the vice principle and I had several meetings on my issues. I also check a few times if the paper work had come across her desk for this "child study." The paper work had never been seen.

Back to the classroom, I feel that I never knew what I was walking into. teacher #1 was obviously in a terrible mood every time she lost a student. Sometimes she would be ok in the beginning of class but by the end I felt something rely bad had happened. I began "helping" in the classroom on Thursdays. I loved seeing all the wonderful kids and it was a true pleasure to be with them and watch there work. I tried to be helpful and do one of the centers every time I was there. The children came to know me as I learned each of their names. I watch Chris make friends and would help on the playground. Chris was really getting the hang of it I felt!

I ran into one of the former parents that happened to work for the special Ed dept at the Santa shop. I told her of my concerns of Chris being so far behind. She suggested that I talk to the Special Ed Dept to see if I could get him tested to get the help he needed to catch up. She explained that it would be a child study many departments that would test him to see if he would quality for the services. I was so excited that I met the next day!! One of the Special Ed people said she had a concern about Chris but teacher #1 said I was not interested in getting any help. Now I felt we were on our way to success!! A meeting was held that week thanks to Assistant Principle and the Special ed. teacher #1 showed up at the meeting. Being teary eyed she said "Candy, I just wanted to thank you for doing this" My thought was "where has the paper work been so we could have started this a long time ago?"

As things go, parents tend to talk to one another. I was told by one of the parents that there is no place for Chris in school. Another told me that the teacher had shared with her that Chris is ADD and I refused to get help for him by this teacher. That is illegal!! I went to the Assistant Administrator and complained about the breach of confidentiality and the rumors that the teacher had spread through the parents and my neighborhood. I also shared my discus with the mannerism in which she run the classroom in. From the admin building I talked again the Assistant Principle and the Principle. I was appalled that such things had been said. I was given the choice to move into a morning classroom with a new teacher.

When the New Year started we went to the new class. I was somewhat nervous about this move, as I had seen the teachers talking together quit a bit. I didn’t know what options had or would be shared about Chris. Christopher had sacrificed his friends, his rutein, and mostly loosing the teachers aide, helper #1 . With a new start for a child that does not adjust well to changes it has not been pretty!! His behavior has worsened. I check on the progress of the testing. They were giving it a couple of weeks so the teacher could evaluate Chris after she got to know him. Needless to say, the anxiety was high; his aggression was taken out on other children. Chris’s focus had worsened along with his behavior.

January 12 - Chris had a visit with his biological mother over the weekend. Not real sure what happened on the weekend but his behavior dropped at home and worsened again at school.

January 15 - There was an attempt to do a Physiological screening during recess. She did not get the results she wanted and said he did not cooperate.

January 16 - I started him on Herbalife. I met with the school Physiologist. I had a very hard week and mentioned that I would do what ever it took to get him calmed down. She pulled out an ADD form and asks away. Both the teacher and the physiologist were expecting Chris to return to school on Tuesday with Medication for the ADD that they diagnosed him with. I mentioned to the teacher that I would be in the classroom to intervene. She said she didn’t want me there so she could give a true evaluation of him on the drugs if the doctor asks.

January 21 - I took the forms to Doctor #1. He read the forms and had Chris stand on his heals and toes with his cowboy boots on. He shook his head in degust and was ready to give him the drugs for ADD. I informed Doctor #1 that I did not fell that he did any assessment on Chris and I wouldn’t buy it. It is my understanding that only a physician can make the diagnosis of any treatment for illness or disorder. I think it was unfair to just go by a non-medical computer-generated report and prescribe drugs. I wanted a second opinion. At the point he became angry and smuggly said " you can always pull him out of school and try home schooling!"

I was referred to Doctor #2, M.D., F.A.A.P.

January 22 - No Herbalife was given to Chris before this appointment. We drove to see Doctor #2. After spending about 30 minutes with me he did a full physical on Chris. Chris was scared to death. He worried about everything that was happening. The only Doctor he ever sees is a chiropractor. At any rate a full physical was done including urine and blood. The doctor then spent another 20 minutes with me. His conversation was as such. He felt that Chris had an anxiety disorder and some other possible problems. He didn’t feel that ADD/ADHD was even a factor. He referred us to Children's Hospital to the Developmental Unit. I told him that the school was expecting him to be drugged for ADD upon his return to school. He said he would write the prescription BUT it was up to me if I wanted to try it. AND it could cause ill effects. If I tried it and saw unfavorable results to get him off of it immediately! I filled the prescription to put in my cupboard to think about it. I had a call from the school physoligigest on the importance of him being on the drug to get a true test result done with him. I told her I had the drug filled and told her of the doctors concern and his being hesitant in even writing it out. Assistant Principle called and informed me of the same. I asked her if it would really be a "true" result if he were on the drugs. Just something to think about.

January 23 - Back to school after the traumatic times at the doctors of probing here and there. Chris is a bit distrot (I would be too if I were probed everywhere!)I don't find him different them the other child when watching his class. January 24 - Teacher #2 asked if Chris was on the medication. I said he has the medication. Christopher was extremely tired. Behavior was very acceptable toward children and adults. He was able to understand instruction however his work was not 100% complete. Snack given at 10:00

January 25 - I was not able to stay at school for the day. The time I did spend there he seemed to blend in with the others. I asked teacher #2 how he did and she said he did pretty well but does not like to do hand writing, coloring or cutting.

January 26 - It’s Saturday!! What a beautiful day. Tons of play outside with Grandpa and I. No behavior problems today!! Still doing Herbalife.

January 27 - Sun shinny day again. NO behavior problems. In fact it was great!

January 28 - Stayed home, worked on a few letters, and coloring. Did a great job at following instructions and trying his best. Had to do some finicial business and he was delightful!

January 29 - "He a great job at school" his teacher said. I think the change of class has settled. I ask when this testing wouldbe done so we could get on with catching Chris up to his level. It is amazing that he still has not had one pill!

January 30 - Great day with a sub!

January 31 - The testing was completed today. He did great in the efforts. The papers came from Children's Hospital, I'll take them tomorrow so the school can fill out their portion.

Febuary 1 - The school physiologist asked me how I wanted Christopher diagnosed for Special Ed. ADD or EPD?

I will call the person in charge of Special Ed for the schools and see if he has to be diagnosed as anything to receive these services, or can he just get some help.I watched the class after the teacher told me that she is not seeing a difference in his attention. The teacher’s “helper” is still spending too much time helping him one on one. As I watched I noticed a few kids that really needed help also. One boy just sits there, kind of in a daze and waits for someone to come along. He is not taking alot of their time so it is not an issue. When the teacher got to him he was not focusing on anything that was said. Seemed to be “out of it.” I couple of little girls, that are more active, are in desperate need of some help.

Looking around the class I can see a couple of boys that I would assume are drugged. If that is the effect they are looking for I’m am not interested! I want Chris to be aware of his surroundings. I want him to be excited and show emotions. If I wanted a child to just sit and be good I would get a doll.

Saint John's Wort sure helps me make it through the school week!

February 2 - Chris had a great Saturday. His friend Shannon is here. What a great time playing cowboy and driving the jeep. We burned some of the branches and got the roof repaired (I hope). Chris was also adjusted by our Chiropractor today.

February 3 - Another great day!! More driving the Jeep and cowboy stuff.

February 4 - I talked to special Ed dirrector at the admin building to check on this diagnosed thing. He said they need to know what teachers to involve in this is why they often want a "label" for a child. He did say that he can get in under an "umbrella" and receive Special Ed. There would not be a diagnose then, just a child receiving some help. HUM sounds good to me!!

Chris had a bit of a hard time breathing with a croupy barking cough this morning. I took him to school and spent some time there with him. About an hour into school I could tell that his asthma was getting worse. I sat down on the floor with him and he sat on my lap. I told the teacher that he was having a problem and he asthma was kicking up. She said from across the room "It doesn't look like he is having any trouble to me! I can't hear him wheezing." She also said he had to stay in school but not on my lap. After school, once we got home, I was able to get his breathing under control somewhat. As the chill of the evening set in his asthma kicked up full force. After some medication it is back in control for the meantime. Chris will not being going to school tomorrow but to the doctors.

February 5 - GEES what a night! It was almost to the emergency room at 2:00 am. We went to doctor #2 and got some inhalers. One for school and one for home. Also got some Singulair for Chris to take nightly. We had a quite afternoon and evening trying to get his breathing under control.

February 6 - I took to asthma medication to school. I informed the teacher that it is there if she should happen to notice Chris having difficulties breathing. When I picked up Chris he said he was nice today!! Teacher didn't say ultramicroscopes breathing is still not under control yet.

How can the school diagnose a child for ADHD but not believe that a child is having a hard time breathing? We parents don't count for much, do we?

February 7 - If you could pick the worse to happen on a day that it should not ~ this was the day!! There was a parent that came into visit the class. This is the day Christopher showed the worse behavior I've ever heard of. He spit on children and kicked the child of the visiting parent. He had a bad asthma attack shortly after his episode. He was taken to the office for his inhaler.

February 8 - I don't know how school went today, other then he was to be tested for his report card.

This is the day of the big meeting at school to find out if Chris would qualify for any services. It seems the teacher was amazed at how much he knew. He is sitting alone now close to a table of children. The OT said she had a blast with him and he carried on great conversations, she would like to work with him. The special Ed teacher will be working with him. The physiologist took her numbers to see if they could get funding to help Chris. He qualifies under a general umbrella. YOUR CHILDREN DON'T HAVE TO BE DIAGNOSED AS ANYTHING NEGATIVE TO RECEIVE HELP!!

February 9 - Great fantastic day!! Saturday of corse. I started listening to a tape by Dr. Block, Back to School. She is very good!! WORTH CHECKING OUT HER WEB SITE!! WWW.BLOCKCENTER.COM

February 10 - Great morning loads of fun! He is with his Grandpa for the day. This is Chris's biggest hero!!

February 11 - Great day at school. A little girl came to me and said he was nice to everyone!! He earned a chip. However they didn't have any chips. Chris is also sitting with his back toward the class at his own desk. The teacher talks behind him and explains what to do.

February 12 - It seems everyone had a puzzle today at there table. Chris tried to join in but they would not share with him. He went back to his desk and was "bored" No Special Ed. because of an emergency meeting.

February 13 - The Special Ed. teacher listened to the tape of Dr. Block that I bought and she said that the woman is against schools. I love the tape and the information. I think she has a great view on the health of kids and education as a whole. If you get the tape.


February 14 - The Valentines party!! Chris was sitting at his little desk to himself as the teacher was explaining the instructions the work they were to do for their paper. The Special Ed teacher was in the room and had to remind the teacher that Chris also need the papers to do the work that was expected. The parents rolled in for the party while Chris was out with the Special Ed teacher. As they returned to the class the one little boy stood up and said to his Grandma "There is Christopher!!" The Grandma gave him a very dirty look. As the party continued, and Chris sat at his desk, the bags of goodies were passed out to the children. Again the Special Ed teacher and OT teacher reminded the teacher that Chris needed a bag to take home just like the other children had. How much humiliation can you take. He is a five year old boy for Gods sake!!

I wrote a letter to the Colorado Dept. of Education (see the link)

February 15 - No school for us today!! Who needs it? We had a great time at home playing some games from Dr Blocks Learn how to learn book.

February 16 - We have Chris's little friend over for the weekend again. They play very good together and are good friends. Not any problems that are out of line.

February 17 - Sunday!! No school. Great time playing cowboy. He is Sheriff John Smith now, ya know!

February 18 - Monday school is closed for Presidents day. I could get used to not sending him! Great day, he did some numbers and a few letters.

February 19 - Nightmares again last night! Chris has joined the rest of the class at the tables. Thanks to the Special Ed teacher. Chris's spends most of the time with the Special Ed teacher now. He had a pretty good day with little problems and some corrections.

February 20 - I hate dreaming about school. He had one incident wanting to have a turn at computers. Everything else went smooth. I had a parent teacher conference and there was not a positive thing said. We had a great evening. He worked hard for me.

February 21 - No School due to conferences. Great day!!

February 22 - Saturday!! Beautiful day out! We hung out for awhile and then went to Grandpas house where they had a gun fight against the pretend bad guys. Chris slept over at grandpas.

February 23 - I heard it was a great day!! Chris came home in total control of himself and a great mood. Dianne Craft called tonight and we have an appointment with her in the morning.(see the web link) I'm excited!! We talked for what seemed to be 45 minutes or more.

February 25 - Met with Dianne Craft, She came up with a nutritional plan.

February 26 - Pulled Chris off of previous plan and put him on the beginning of the "new" plan of Adophilus and Pycnogenol. His behavior was out of control.

February 27 - Added the previous plan of Concentrate, fish oil, pedia calm. Added the Pycnogenol and Adopphilus. His behavior improved slightly.

February 28 - continued formula~ Behavior was awesome!!

March 1 - Will continue formula. Still awesome!! Snow day.

March 2 - Awesome!!

March 3 - Snow bound ~ Light behavior problems.

The school is aware of my Foster care and saw that a new child was with me for a few days. This child is a friend of my Grandson and has been for several years. The second day the school psychologist saw this child with me she call me over to her and asked "Is this your foster child? You want to go ahead and get her set up for testing?" Why would this woman ask such a question? She assumed that this child was in foster care, is that it? Did this child have a look about here that made the physiologist ask? They wanted my grandson to be diagnosed as ADHD, maybe it is catchy?Not every child that comes in to the school as a visitor is ask permission to be tested.

April 10 - Boy it has been a long time!! Chris has been on the formula by Dainne Craft for seven weeks now. He is also doing horse back riding. The difference is amazing. I make peanut butter balls for the week and he takes three a day. The peanut butter balls are killing the yeast build up in his stomach and making good bacteria. He has zinc cal mag, vitamins nutrients and the list goes on. In a few more weeks he will start to come off some of the stuff and going to supplements He has some exercises to do that will help him build the bridge from the left to the right side of his brain. I'm excited!!

April 11 - If anyone read the letter to the state of Colorado this anger will make since. A parent in the class was visiting her daughter. She was allowed to sit at the table and even hold her daughter on her lap in the calendar time on the floor. The teacher didn't say a thing about this to the mom. When Christopher was not breathing will the one day and sat on my lap I was actually yelled at by the teacher. She said he had to join the class and not on my lap. The teacher does not allow me to sit with or hold my Grandson. I'm going back to school right now to hold him in my arms!!!

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