Elizabeth Grey
written by German Daniella (formerly Crystal)
Dear Liz! I found out what a woman of faith and prayer she was when we sat beside each other on a bus on a not very comfortable trip from Bangkok, Thailand to Malaysia! If you know about those bus rides, they are anything but comfortable!
She was an older lady in her 70's I believe, and so cheerful and positive. She had already had a brain hemorrhage, if I remember correctly. She told me that she could barely walk or talk after that. However, with the loving care of the sweet family in Bangkok and her don't-give–up spirit, she was able to get back to normal, which was quite a miracle. (People who were there at that time can maybe tell about the miracles at the hospital and with her children, who came and visited, about which I heard just little bits)
Back to our trip: Here she was telling me all kinds of miracles and funny stories that had happened to her, and how she learned so much from being so sick about simple and powerful thankfulness and the power of prayer. She acted on it too! She started praying several times during our conversation, and we got really into it as I also had a lot of things to pray for.
What amazed me the most was she never said one word about the difficulties of the trip. For example, the seats didn’t go down for resting. We were driving for several hours and many of the passengers started complaining, but not Liz! To the contrary, she was full of things to say that pleased her, and how good the Lord is, etc. Even when we had to walk for quite a while at the border along very hot streets with no shade, she kept smiling and going steady on her way, telling encouraging and inspiring testimonies. She had a lot of faith for the things that we prayed for. To say the least it was very convicting and so fun to be with her!
It was only a very short time that we spent together, but I will never forget this inspiring time with sweet Liz!
I'm looking forward to see you again for some more good times together, dear Liz!