Nina and Pablo del Campo
Written by Joy (Jasmine) (2001)
I met Pablo and his wife Nina the first time when I moved from Bolivia to Peru 6 years ago. From the very first day that I arrived in their Home, I felt as special "click" with both of them, as if I had known them for years, and thus, a swwet and deep friendship developed. Pablo had a very outstanding, spunky personality, he was the spark of the Home and the "life of the party", so to speak.
He loved parties and was able to organize them on the spot, anytime, anywhere, with many or few attendants; within a matter of minutes he would have all the praticipants on the dance-floor, young and old alike.
One of his outreach ministries was clowning. Pablo was really good at it. He was a natural clown, not only when he was dressed up as one. He would find a humorous and enjoyable side to every task, which would turn event the most dull one into fun projects. When he was asked to do something, he would try to put his whole heart into it.
He knew how to play the piano really well, I remember there were about 10 kids in our Home and the adults would take turns in the evenings reading to them or playing Word games with them before bed-time. When it was Pablo's turn, he would bring his portable piano along. He would improvise stories "radio-drama style" with sound-effects. You'd check in on the kids 2 hours later and, of course, with all those captivating stories, everybody was still wide-awake! ha!
Before joining, Pablo had studied to be a lawyer and when the Love-Charter came out, he was flipped with it. He helped translate it into Spanish and, as somebody who has a lawyer's mind, he got into all the intricate details of the Charter, considering them from all different angles and giving many suggestions.
During the few months that I knew Pablo, before his Home-going, his main ministry had been translating the pubs into Spanish. He especially had a gift for translating songs, which isn't east at all as it has to rhyme and fit with the melody.
When he found out that he had only a short time left here on earth (due to melanoma), he started talking enthusastically about all the different projects he would be helping with from the Spirit World, among which was song-writing and translating songs and helping brethren who would have to present themselves in court-cases. (Afterwards in those projects, his help from the Other Side was strongly felt by several brethren.)
The last six weeks of his life, Pablo was bedridden. He refused to take any medicine or pain-killers and the Lord honored his faith and didn't give him more than he was able to bear. Sweet Nina was by his side day and night, like a real "Florence Nightengale".
On the 11th of August, 1995, surrounded by his loved ones, Pablo passed away peacefully in his sleep. He was 39 years old.
The day before the official funeral, the brethren in the area and Pablo's relatives, had a get-together to honor his memory. We sang his favorite songs in Spanish and shared anecdotes of his life. Since he had such an outspoken, colorful personality and was also a real "rascal" type, there were many cute and funny stories. We laughed and we cried all at the same time.
Thankyou, Pablo. You made it easy for us to be good.