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The Toad, A True Story

The Toad: a True Story

When I lived in Hawi, we had a small man made

pond behind our house. It was about four foot

square and filled with lily pads and toads.

We had two cats named Mama Cat and Joey. They ate

yellow rice birds. Sitting on our small wooden

lanai, we watched our cats snare the birds in their

mouths. They crept methodically up to birds and

quickly captured them. We threw macadamia nuts at

the cats to get them to drop the birds. The birds

then fell out of the cats’ mouths and flew away


Except for one time.

Mama cat grabbed a bird. One of us threw a

mac nut and she dropped the bird, but the bird

didn’t fly away.

Oh no, what should we do now?

Well, I had been studying herbal medicine so I

knew that when a person or an animal is in shock,

cayenne pepper by mouth can revive them. I ordered

my friend Juliet to get a dishtowel, hold the bird

steady and I’d drop some cayenne into its tiny

beak. Juliet bent down to gather up the bird and

WOOSH, the bird jumped into the pond.

Oh no, what would we do now? Surely the bird

would drown.

Before any of us had time to formulate a plan

B, a toad jumped across the pond and swallowed the

bird whole.

The bloated toad floated with the bird’s feet

sticking casually out of its mouth for the rest of

the day.

Copyright, Kristin Wolfgang, 2003: 259 words