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Farting Personalities

A Courteous Person
One who says, "Excuse me" before farting and "Sorry" after that.

A Dishonest Person
One who farts and then blames one's dog.

A Foolish Person
One who suppresses a fart for hours.

A Knowledgeable Person
One who knows when to fart.

A Miserable Person
One who truly enjoys farting but cannot.

A Mysterious Person
One who exudes undetectable farts.

A Nervous Person
One who stops in the middle of a fart.

A Proud Person
One who thinks that his farts are extremely pleasant.

A Sadistic Person
One who farts in bed and fluffs the covers over his bedmate.

A Scientific Person
One who farts regularly but is concerned with pollution.

A Shy Person
One who releases silent farts and then blushes.

A Stereotype Person
One who farts regularly.

A Strategic Person
One who conceals one's farts by loud laughter.

A Stupid Person
One who farts and then takes in a deep breath to balance up.

A Thrifty Person
One who has farts in reserve.

A Vain Person
One who loves the smell of one's own fart.

An Amiable Person
One who loves the smell of other people's fart.

An Anti-Social Person
One who excuses himself and farts in complete privacy.

An Aquatic Person
One who farts in the bath then bursts the bubbles.

An Athletic Person
One who farts at the slightest exertion.

An Honest Person
One who admits he has farted but offers a good medical reason.

An Intelligent Person
One who can determine the smell of his neighbours' farts.

An Unfortunate Person
One who tries to fart but $h¡ts instead.