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"Immortally Insane" by Pantera plays as we show the most X-Treme scenes in DRWF history such as IcE giving Rob Van Dam the Ice-Terminator, Seth Calvert giving Table Man the Old School Expulsion, JackHammer giving Saint Steve the Hammer Throw, Sean Corbin jumping over the top rope onto Sean Moro, Enforcer giving Triple H the Punisher into the casket, Myzery giving Big Willie-isms the Vertibreaker, Masta Red giving Cody Bryant the Roll of the Dice, Tyco Jack Knife and Grandmasta Flex triple teaming some jobber, No Limit Soldier being set on fire, Stalker pounding on Corbin with the rusty wrench, Table Man giving Kent Carthage the Shatter, The Redeemer pounding on some jobber with a steel chair, Tyrone Gibson slamming Brian Steele through the windshield of a car, Mikey Mikey D jumping off of the skywalker with the Senton Bomb, Ryda knocking the living piss out of the referee, Rancid spearing Shae, and finally it shows Sean Corbin after winning the DRWF World Title standing tall with Kevin Edwards.

It then shows the a riot and in behind them in spray paint, it shows DRWF Deadly Assault. The building then comes falling down, but right after it falls, it shows the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro North Carolina as Evan Moro and Joey Styles are sitting at ringside.


Evan: And I'm Evan Moro and the night that I for one have been waiting for for so long is finally here. Finally, later tonight, my half brother will finally get his hands on that damn Mr. Late Nite and rips his ass limb from damn limb for breaking my arm.

Joey: Well damn Evan, thats not the only match taking place tonight. We have a hell of alot of action instore for you here tonight. Every single title in the DRWF will be on the line tonight as well as a hell of alot of X-Treme matches.

-["Rollin’ by Limp Bizkit begins to blare throughout the arena as white lights begin to flicker on and off. Chris Concord walks through the entrance area to on-top of the entrance area where the fans begin to cheer.]-

Joey Styles: And without any further ado, lets get started with the action. Our first match up of the evening is for the DRWF United States title with Myzery taking on Chris Concord who is already on his way to the ring.

Evan Moro: Looks as if Chris might have the fans support for this match…

Joey Styles: Maybe, but it all is going to depend on their skills. The only thing that Chris needs to worry about is how he is going to overcome the monster known as Myzery…

Beth Smith: This match is scheduled for one fall. First, making his way to the ring… Chris Concord!

-[Chris walks up the ring steps, then into the ring where his music stops. "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park begins to play.]-

Evan Moro: Here comes the United States Champion, Myzery!

Joey Stlyes: Yes Evan, we are not dumbasses…

Evan Moro: Speaking of dumbasses. Folks, here beside me is Joey Styles. Look at his face, isn’t this the type of person you want to help? All you have to do is pledge 5 dollars a month, and you will save this man. IT ISN’T HIS FAULT HE WAS DROPPED ON HIS HEAD AS A CHILD…

Joey Styles: Okay, you are just asking to get smacked upside your head…aren’t you?

-[Myzery walks through the curtains to on-top of the entrance stage, a few cheers and boo’s present.]-

Beth Smith: His opponent. He is the DRWF United States Champion… Myzery!

-[Myzery walks down the steel ramp, then into the ring. Referee calls for the bell, and the match is underway.]-

Evan Moro: Chris takes the advantage by attacking Myzery as he enters the ring. He’s assaulting Myzery with left and right hands. Chris then gives Myzery a knee to the stomach-area; Myzery now goes down to his hands and knees on the mat…

Joey Styles: Chris quickly rolls Myzery up in a Small Package…

Evan/Joey: One, kick-out…

Joey Styles: Chris now begins to lay in some stomps to Myzery’s gut. Chris runs to the ropes, bounces back, and he jumps up for a Splash…

Evan Moro: But Myzery puts up his knees. Myzery now gets to his feet, and he now begins to stomp Chris in the head!

Joey Styles: Myzery gets Chris to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Chris bounces back…

Evan Moro: Myzery arched forward for a Back-Body Drop, but Chris kicks him hard in the chest. Myzery now moves back up and clinches his chest. Chris quickly runs to the ropes and bounces back. Chris now jumps on-top of Myzery’s shoulders for a Frankensteiner…

Joey Styles: Myzery drives Chris down in the middle of the ring with a Powerbomb! Myzery now jumps on Chris’ upper mid-section and he begins to punch him hard right on the forehead…

Evan Moro: Myzery now backs off… but he stomps Chris in the groin area!

Joey Styles: Ouch that will hurt in the morning… or tonight. UH, back to the match. Myzery now locks in a Chinlock on Chris…

Evan Moro: Chris is out… wait, he is starting to show life!

Joey Styles: The fans are now starting to cheer loudly, giving Chris some encouragement. Chris now gets to his feet, and he gets in two elbows that breaks the hold. Chris now DDT’s Myzery down the mat, he makes the cover…

Evan/Joey: One… Two, kick-out! by Myzery. The two are now both on the mat…

Joey Styles: The two are still on the mat, trying to catch their breath…

Evan Moro: Chris now gets to his feet, but he goes to the outside. He pulls out two steel chairs, unfolds them, and places them side-by-side outside the ring. Chris now jumps on the ring apron…

Joey Styles: But Myzery now gets to his feet. He tries to punch Chris in the head, but Chris Shoulder-Blocks Myzery right in the gut! Chris now leaps up…

Evan Moro: He just flipped Myzery over the top rope to the outside, crashing through the middle of those steel chairs!

X-Treme Replay: Shows when Myzery went through the steel chairs at 2 different angles… back to the action.

Joey Stlyes: Myzery isn’t getting up after that nasty fall, look at him! It looks as if Myzery hit a little bit of his head on the concrete…

Evan Moro: Chris now gets Myzery to his feet and punches him hard in head. Chris takes a few steps back, and he flies towards Myzery…

Joey Stlyes: But Myzery catches him and Spinebuster Slam’s Chris right on those steel chairs used earlier by Chris himself. Myzery now takes time to catch his breath, and he brings Chris to his feet…

Evan Moro: Myzery throws Chris in the ring, and Myzery gets in the ring…

Joey Styles: Myzery grabs Chris by the throat, and lands a Chokeslam-type front Tombstone. He now goes for the cover…

Evan/Joey: One… Two… Three, Myzery keeps his U.S Title!

Joey Styles: Look, Chris rolls out of the ring while Myzery celebrates his win…

Evan Moro: Look! Chris slowly enters the ring with a steel chair… BAM! He just nailed Myzery in the back of the head with that chair, he is now attacking Myzery’s leg! Oh my, he is about to break that leg!

Joey Styles: Folks, this is a dismembering!

Evan Moro: Finally, Tyco and Kent Carthage come out there to stop Concord, but it seems as if the damage has already been done.

Joey Styles: Damn right it has. Myzery may have won the match, but I'm sure Concord came to an inch of snapping that leg in half. And to think, he doesnt have too long until he has to go for those DRWF Tag Team Titles with Ryda. Will he be able to compete later?

Evan Moro: I guess we're just goin to have to wait and find out. Now, due to popular demand, from my brother, we are going to show you the greatest Bolt 45 commercia...

Joey Styles: WHAT!?!

Evan Moro: You heard what I said. We're about to show the best Bolt 45 commercial of all time. The one with my half brother, Sean Moro. Lets go take a look...

Bolt 45 Commercial with Sean Moro

(After Moro gives Snake a powerbomb off of the top rope)


Ding Ding Ding

The Fink: The winner of this match up, as a result of a pin fall, Sean Moro!

"H2K" Sean Moro: Damn, that was a rough match. (Julia Haney hands him a Bolt 45). Ah, thank you Julia. You know, I've been working here for the DRWF for a good 5 months now, and as you can tell, this is NOT an easy job. When I first came, I thought it was going to be as easy as all the other federations I've been in. Well, its not. You gotta work your ass off to get somewhere here. Thats why after every match, I get Julia to pick me up an ice...cold....refreshing...Bolt 45...

(All of a sudden, Moon comes from behind and smashes him in the head with a steel chair. The he goes through his metamorphasis)

IcE: But then there are times where people just wont leave me the f**k alone!!

(The he takes that Bolt 45 and smashes it over Moon's head).

IcE: And then after I get that taste of blood, I want somethin to wash it down. So then again, I grab me a Bolt 45. Ummm, the mixture of Powerade with Colt 45 along with a shot of ripple. The flavor will get to ya. So remember, whenever you have a long days work, go to your local grocery or liquor store and pick up a Bolt 45...and Get Slizzard Wit It...

Disclaimer: Bolt 45 is not for anybody under 15, plus before you drink it you must build a tolerance for it. Go sip by sip before you take a big gulp. Drinking a big gulp may cause seisures, vometing, sore throat, dizziness, headache, caughing, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and maybe even death. This is not a drink for suckaz.


(Back at ringside, Joey Styles is sitting at the desk holding his head)

Joey: Are you happy now?

Evan: What?

Joey: I said are you happy now!? This is the first time in my history of broadcasting that we have showed a commercial AT THE BEGINNING of a Pay Per View.

Evan: Well deal with boy. We run things a lot different then any other federation that you have ever heard of in life. And remember what I told you. I let you slide the last match, but if it happens anymore tonight, I will report you to my brother and he'll have your contract revoked.

Joey: (in his breath)Damnit, I forgot about that. Okay, it wont happen anymore tonight.

Evan: You got that right.

Joey: Hey wait a minute, look at whats going on in the audience!

EM: Folks, Ryda and Eric Avalanche just spilled over the front row railing! Seems as if they began early backstage!

JS: Eric and Ryda are now battling it out now. Eric gets kicked in the gut, Ryda follows up with a closeline!

EM: Ryda now begins to stomp on Eric repeatedly! Ryda now gets Eric to his feet and sends him to the railing, but Eric reverses and Ryda goes back-first against the railing!

JS: Eric is now taking his time getting his breath back. He now brings Ryda to his feet, and gives him a quick kick to the gut. Eric walks back and he runs towards Ryda…

EM: But Ryda back-body drops him against the railing! Eric just hit his back on the rail, and he also fell on the concrete!

JS: Ryda gets Eric to his feet, and he rolls him into the ring. Ryda now rolls into the ring himself.

EM: Ryda now whips Eric to the ropes, Eric bounces back, and Eric is taken down with a spinebuster slam! Ryda now locks in a figure-four!

JS: But Eric sits up and punches Ryda in the head, releasing the hold. Both men are now to a standing position, Eric attempts a german suplex, but he can't pick Ryda up. Ryda reverses and wraps his arms around Eric's waist. He now nails a releasing german suplex on Eric. Ryda goes for the cover…

EM/JS: One… Two… Three. A quick match, but Ryda keeps his title!

Joey: Man, that may have been a quick match, but it damn sure was exciting. Well, lets go back stage with Johnny Scotch who is standing with Mr. Late Nite. Take it away Johnny.

Johnny Scotch: Thank you guys. Well as you just heard, I'm standing back here with Mr. Late Nite who later tonight will be taking on Sean Moro in what has been the talk of the town for the past 2 weeks. So Late Nite, what are your thoughts on this match tonight?

Mr. Late Nite: I think I'll take that mic Johnny you idiot. Well Moro, the time has finally come. In just a few hours, me and you are going to go head to head for the first time. I have been wanting to have this match with you ever since you stole that World Title shot from me at Kuruption. At Kuruption, it was supposed to be me against Shawn Michaels for that World Title. And then when I wanted to take you on at Hatred, you ducked from me on that one aswell as you had these damn IcE Games and I was the second man eliminated so I didnt get a chance to get my hands on you again. So I figured that the only way I was goin to get a match with you was if I were to push you over the edge. And the only way I could do that was with my Late Nite Show, and it seems that it worked. Finally me and you will go head to head to prove who is the better man. And after tonight, you will know that I am not only superior to you, but hell. I'm your damn hero. See you in a little bit.

Johnny Scotch: Thank you and back to you guys at ringside.

Click Here for Hour 2