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("Come Out and Play" by Offspring plays as Sean Corbin makes his way to the ring with a shopping cart of goodies)

Evan: Well, it is now time for this weapons match. This should be one hell of a match in itself..

Joey: You got that right. Corbin has nothing but revenge on his mind as he gets ready for this match up. Like he mentioned before, Stalker's done everything in the book to try and take him out.

Evan: But it seems that he didnt do a good job of it. It looks as if everything he's done just made Corbin even more mad than ever.

Joey: Yeah, you're right about that as Corbin starts throwing weapons all over the place. Man, look at that sadistic look in his eyes. Oh my God! Look what he has in his hands!

Evan: I dont believe it! It's a baseball bat drinched in gasoline!

Joey: What in the world. HE JUST LIT IT UP!! Oh my God! I think Corbin is out to kill Stalker now. He's standing right next to the ropes and...

("Rollin" by Limp Bizkit begins to play)

Evan: And Stalker is basically about to enter hell itself.

Joey: You got that right. Damn, I cant believe how sadistic Corbin is looking tonight. He has that baseball bat in some high flames. You can tell that he really wants to kill Stalker tonight.

Evan: To be quite honest, I'm kinda scared for Stalker. If he slides into that ring, you know that his life is going to be on the line.

Joey: And with Corbin being as pissed off as he is, Stalker's life may just come to an end.. But then again, maybe not.

Evan: Why do you say that?

Joey: Well, Corbin cant do anything to Stalker if he doesnt show up.

Evan: What?

Joey: Look, Stalker isnt anywhere to be found. He hasnt even stepped through that curtain..

("Rollin" by Limp Bizkit begins to play again)

Evan: Uh, maybe he just didnt hear his music yet.

Joey: Eh, maybe your right. But then again, someone is supposed to come and get you outta your locker room when its time for your match.

Evan: Yeah, you're right about that. Well anyway, inside the ring, Corbin is starting to get pissed off...

Joey: To the highest level of pisstivity. He just slammed that damn flaming baseball bat onto the ropes and set the damn thing on fire!

Evan: Thank God for our fire security for putting that fire out. Hey wait a minute, someone just gave me word Stalker is nowhere to be found.

Joey: Say what?

Evan: Thats right. Stalker cant be found anywhere backstage...

Joey: Uh Beth, I wouldnt go into the ring and say that. You may wanna come out here with us before you mention anyth.... OH DAMNIT!!

Beth Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just gotten word that Stalker is no where to be found in the arena, thus Sean Corbin wins this match by default...

Sean Corbin: WHAT!?!

Beth Smith: I just said that you won the match by default..

Sean Corbin: Why that pussy ass Stalker!! HE CHICKENED OUT ON ME!?!

Beth Smith: I wouldnt exactly say chickened out..

Sean Corbin: Shut up whore. You know what, I came out here for a fight and I told you that I'm going to hurt somebody tonight, and I think right about now I'm going to do exactly what the hell I said!

(Corbin takes that flaming baseball bat and gets ready to go for a swing)


(Right before Corbin could strike Beth, outta nowhere the Fink came in and saved Beth only to get hit in the chest hard as hell with that baseball bat)


Joey: Corbin, you idiot!! Why did you do that!?!

Evan: And now he is still going for Beth! Girl, hurry up and get out here!!

Joey: Finally here comes some referees, and Corbins is going balistic!! He's hitting anybody that moves in that ring!

Evan: Referee after referee is getting pounded to death with that flaming baseball bat! Has Corbin finally snapped!?!

Joey: I guess so! Oh, Thank God! Here comes Myzery and Ryda who are already banged up from earlier tonight!

Evan: HOLY CRAP!! Corbin just went for a swing on his own team mates! And now Kevin Edwards comes outta the crowd and spears Corbin down from behind.

Joey: Damn, even Scotty Carter is out there trying to control his friend. I dont think anybody can control this damn maniac! Ryda, Myzery, Kevin, and Scotty are out there trying to control him!

Evan: He has seriously lost his mind! This is too wild of a scene. Hey Dr. Briefs, take over why dont ya okay. Damn!

Hanes Brief: Thank ya kindly. Anyway, I'm back here with Outcast who earlier tonight on the PreShow had one hell of a battle with Logan Rockwood which unfortunately ended with an interference by Rich Kandido. So Outcast, what are your feelings on what happened?

Outcast: How do you think I feel you f**kin prick? I was robbed from that match by a bastard named Rich Kandido. Rich, what the hell were you thinking on attacking me? Do you know that you basically just put your life into my hands. Well, what you did damn sure wont be forgotten. Right now I am making this challenge out to you right now. Me and you at, hmmm, lets say Death Warrant! Ah, what a perfect time. The DRWF's 2 Year Anniversary. And how about we make it even more interesting. Did you like the match that me and Logan Rockwood had earlier tonight? Well, how about me and you battle it out in that same type of match up at Death Warrant 2001? If you've got the guts, then step up to the plate. And I will make sure that I destroy your ass. So it is said, so it shall come to pass. See you at Death Warrant if you've got the balls to step up...

(All of a sudden, you hear a big ass thud)

Hanes Brief: What the hell was that?

(A door opens up and then here comes Seth Calvert walking out of the locker room. The fans go balistic when they see Seth come outta the locker room. Dr. Briefs then walks into the locker room when he sees a broken mirror and it said "Beware of the Rebirth" spray painted on the walls)

Hanes Brief: What the hell? What is that supposed to mean? I hope you guys at ringside can figure this out.

Evan: What the hell was that!?!

Joey: I have no idea what he means by the rebirth. Well anyway, it's finally that time.

Evan: You got that right. It's now time for the match I've been waiting for all night!

Joey: What match is that?

Evan: Think about it, dildo!  It's the Revenge Match between that dirty, ugly, cocky, son of a man-whore, Mr. Late Nite, facing the president of the DRWF and my beloved brother, "H2K" Sean Moro!

Joey: Oh yeah...  The rules of this match are that if President Moro wins, Mr. Late Nite cannot make fun of the Moro family name anymore but if MLN wins he gets to beat Moro up in the ring for five minutes and Sean can't do anything about it!

Beth: Coming to the ring first weighing in at 244 pounds...  From Burbank, New York...  From the Elite Alliance...  Mr. Late Nite!!!

["Simon Says" by Drain STH plays and MLN hops out from behind the curtain cocky-like and hops around as the fans boo him.  He jogs down the ramp with his hands out but none of the fans have their hands out.  He slides in the ring and calls for a mic.]

MLN: Ya know...  I face your stupid-ass president, Sean Moro...  I bet he isn't even in the arena anymore!  He probably was too much of a coward and left the arena with his ugly skank of a girlfriend, Julia...

[Suddenly "Ice Ice Baby [Hardcore `98 Mix]" by KoRn and Vanilla Ice hits but nobody comes out of the entrance way.  MLN looks around franticly and he sees nobody.  Suddenly the DRWF Tron turns on and you see Moro standing out in the parking lot.]

H2K: Ya know, MLN, you've got a big mouth but you surely ain't the smartest man in the world...  Turn around you dumbass!

[MLN turns around to be met by a Kendo Stick to the head delivered by Sean Moro.  The bell is sounded.]

Evan: YEAH!!!  GO SEAN!!!

[Sean keeps pounding on MLN's skull with the Kendo Stick.  Sean jabs MLN in the gut with the end of the Kendo Stick and then he does a White Russian Legsweep.]


[Sean tosses the Kendo Stick out of the ring and then he bounces off the ropes and goes for a leg drop but Nite rolls out of the way.]

Evan: What were you thinking, Sean?!  Keep on him, don't do shit like that!

Joey: MLN is now to his feet and so is Sean and they're just staring at each other!  Do something here guys!  We paid good money to see this match!  Well, at least the viewers did...

Evan: MLN WITH A SPEAR!!!  He's pounding on Sean now!  Come on Sean, get up!  Don't let that jerk off beat ya!

Joey: MLN gets off and lifts Sean to his feet and whips him into the corner...  MLN runs at Sean and he goes for a big splash but Moro moves out of the way!  MLN hit his head on the top of the post!  He's busted open!

Evan: Sean with a double handed bulldog!  Sean is now just kicking MLN in the ribs!  Come on, Sean!  Rip him apart!

Joey: Sean backs off and is yelling at MLN to get up.  MLN gets on his hands and knees and Moro runs at him and kicks him right in the gut!  We haven't seen this side of Moro for...  Well since he was IcE!

Evan: Sean gets out of the ring and he's getting a table.  He tosses it in the ring and now he's got it laying in one of the corners.  Sean gets Nite up to his feet and he kicks him in the gut really hard...  He bounces off the ropes...  SEVERED SKULL DDT!!!  He gets MLN back up and lays him on the table and he's going to the opposite corner and he signals...  He's gonna...  IcETERMINATOR!!!!  He nailed MLN right in the mid-section with that making him break right through that table!

Joey: Hot damn!  Let's see that again!

X-Treme Replay: You see in slow motion Sean jumping off the turnbuckle, gliding through the air, and his feet hitting MLN right in the gut breaking the table in half.

Joey: Oh man, that was amazing!  Late Nite should be knocked out after that move!  Cover him, Moro!  You're gonna kill the poor man!

Evan: You feel sorry for that scum?!  You're a sick, sick man, Joey.   Sean is getting MLN to his feet and Nite just falls into the ropes...  He can't even stand on his own two feet!  Sean goes for the Killer Kick but MLN ducked it and nailed Sean right in the cahones!

Joey: He was playing possum but you can tell that he's in pain...  MLN gets Sean up and he does a pretty good snap suplex but he's holding his ribs after that.  Sean must've broke a couple of MLN's ribs or something after that IcEterminator!

Evan: MLN is back up and now he has an Eastern Stretch applied on Sean.  Sean reaches accrossed his body and he hits MLN right in the forehead knocking him down!  Sean goes to the top rope...  It's time...

Joey: Time for what?!


Joey: The ref is dong a 10 count...  What's this all about?  1...2...3...4...5...6...

Evan: 8...9...10!

[The bell is sounded and the ref tells Beth Smith something.]

Beth: The ref has called this match a double knock out!  There is no winner!


Joey: Calm down, Evan...  I know you want revenge on him but what can you do?!  Here comes the stretchers and there goes Moro and MLN...  That was a pretty good match considering that neither men won...  Let's see the X-Treme Replay brought to you by Moro Inc. and Music Fanatic!

X-Treme Replay: It shows the beginning where MLN turned around and got hit in the head with the Kendo Stick.  Then when MLN speared Moro.  Then when MLN hit his head on the top of the post getting busted open.  Then Sean doing the IcEterminator breaking the table.  And finally when Sean did the Death Defyer and MLN lifting his knees up.


(The members of Freaky Beast walk onto the screen with their new song "Killaz Krew" playing in the background.)

Sean Moro: Hey everyone, this is the lead singer of Freaky Beast here, Sean Moro, we're here to represent one of the best things to happen to music...  It's called Music Fanatic.  This is a place where you can find out news about music that don't suck...  This is music like Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, and all the top rock bands right now.  There's also lyrics to songs and wallpapers and many other things so come on over and check out Music Fanatic!

[Up on the DRWF Tron you see a re-cap of what's gone down so far.]

Evan: Well...  It all boils down to this...


Evan: You just had to do that, didn't you?!  Damnit.  Well, like Joey just said it is main event time and this years Deadly Assault main event should be spectacular!  It pits two members of my bro's stable, Revolution-X plus the referee is another R-X member!

Joey: This will be crazy!  This will be extreme!  And this will be deadly!  Let's just leave it at that and get to the match!

Beth: Ladies and gentlemen!  This is your DRWF Deadly Assault main event!  Coming to the ring first, your referee...  Table Man!

["Testify" by Rage Against the Machine hits and out comes TM with a R-X shirt and Ref spray painted on the back.]

Beth: And now coming to the ring, the challenger!  Weighing in at 255 pounds...  From Salt Lake City, Utah...  "The Redeemer" Simon Jacobs!

["Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson plays and Simon walks out to a huge pop.  As he walks by the fans he gives him high fives.  Simon is wearing the DRWF CbK t-shirt.  He gets in the ring and him and Table Man chat while they wait for the champ to come out.]

Beth: And now coming to the ring, your DRWF World Champion!  Weighing in at 251 pounds...  From Los Angeles, California...  "Thug Life" Tyrone Gibson!

["Thug in Me, Thug in You" by 2 Pac hits and Tyrone walks out to a huge pop.  He's wearing the title around his waste proudly.  He stops at the end of the ramp and takes off the title and his R-X t-shirt.  Suddenly you see Jacobs do a spring board frog splash to the outside but Tyrone lifts his leg up and kicks Simon right in the gut making him fall awkwardly.  Table Man sounds the bell as the match is started.]

Evan: There is no respect between these two men anymore!  This match is all about the title!

Joey: Tyrone gets Simon back to his feet but he clotheslines him from behind!  Simon is up on his knees and Tyrone kicks him right in the back!

Evan: Dang!  You could hear that throughout the arena!  Tyrone grabs Simon and he tosses him into the ring.  Tyrone gets on the ring apron as Simon gets to his feet.  Simon kicks Ty in the gut and he does a rope stunner!  Ty goes flying off the apron onto the floor!

Joey: Simon gets out of the ring and he's grabbing stuff from under the ring and tossing it in the ring.  Simon gets a Kendo Stick and he smacks Thug Life right on top of the head with it!  Simon has snapped and so has the Kendo Stick!  He broke it in half over Tyrone's head!

Evan: Simon now is doing a spinning toe lock!  He's reaching back in time and doing some Terry Funk sh*t out here.  He spins around one more time and now he's pounding on Gibson's head!  Simon slides Gibson back in the ring and I think Simon found something he liked...  He's got the kitchen sink!  He lays it down in the middle of the ring and now he's...  PILEDRIVER ON THE SINK!!!

Joey: Tyrone is finally bleeding.  You'd think he'd be bleeding after having that Kendo Stick broken over his head...  I guess he's just got a thick skull.  Simon bounces off the ropes and he hits a jumping elbow drop right on Tyrone's forehead!  Damn, he's really working on that head tonight!

Evan: He's trying to scramble Gibson's brains, that's why!  Simon gets Ty to his feet and he has a front head lock and is gonna DDT him but Gibson charges Simon into the corner!  Simon gets up on the second turnbuckle and pounds on Simon's head!

Fans: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!

Joey: Tyrone jumps off and Simon falls flat on his face.  Gibson now with a STF Submission Hold on Simon Jacobs!  Look at Simon...  He's smiling!  He loves the pain!

Evan: I can just see that little part of SiN coming out in Simon right now.  Tyrone lets go of the hold and he bounces off the ropes and hits a quick elbow drop to the back of Simon's head!  He'll have a headache after tonight!  Tyrone rolls Simone to his back and he goes to the top rope...  MOONSAULT BY THE CHAMP!!!

Joey: Thug Life gets the cover right away...  1..2...  Simon hardly kicks out!  That was about 2 and 3/4!  Tyrone is not happy after that!  He gets Simon to his feet and he slams Redeemers head on the top turnbuckle pad!  Tyrone now with a quick release German Suplex!  Tyrone is slamming Simon's head on the mat and he won't stop!

Evan: Here comes Table Man and he tries to pull Ty off of Simon but Tyrone just pushes him away and continues with the slamming of the head!  Table Man gets back up and he finally gets Gibson off of Simon.  Thug Life is up in TM's face and Table Man reminds him who he's talking to!  Gibson turns away only to get low blowed by Simon!

Joey: Simon gets up and he DDTs Tyrone on that sink!  Simon puts Tyrone's arm in a chair and he goes to the top rope...  He's gonna break our champion's arm!  He jumps off the top turnbuckle but Tyrone chucks the chair and hits Simon right in the head!  That was amazing!  Let's see it again!

X-Treme Replay: You see Simon DDTing Tyrone on the sink and then sliding Tyrone's arm in the chair.  It cuts and then you see Simon flying in the air and then getting smacked in the head with the steel chair and him falling backwards.

Evan: Simon's nose is bleeding!  It could be broken after getting hit with that chair!  Tyrone slowly gets to his feet and he gets Simon sitting up in the corner.  Tyrone...  BRONCO BUSTER!!!  I thought I'd never see the day when Tyrone Gibson would do a Bronco Buster.  Haha!

Joey: Tyrone drags Simon to the middle of the ring and sits him up.  Tyrone grabs a steel chair and he goes to the top rope...  This could be it folks...

Evan/Joey: 187!!!!


Joey: Tyrone goes for the cover...  1...2...  OH MY GOD!!!!  ENFORCER!!!  IT'S ENFORCER AND HE JUST PULLED GIBSON OUT OF THE RING!!!


[Suddenly you hear screeching sounds coming from the entrance area and you see an ambulance pull into the arena.  Sean Moro gets out of the driver side door and Mr. Late Nite gets out of the passenger door.]

Joey: OH MY GOD!!!  IT'S MORO AND NITE!!!  THEY'RE BACK FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!  Wait a second...  Moro is wearing an Elite Alliance t-shirt...  HE'S A TRAITOR!!!  But what about you, Evan?  This match was made because of Late Nite breaking your arm!

Evan: Oh, it ain't broken...  Ever hear of stunt doubles?!

[Evan takes the cast off of his arm and wiggles his hand.]


[Moro lights up a barbed wire bat and Late Nite grabs a metal bat and they get into the ring as Table Man, Redeemer, Gibson, and Enforcer are all brawling and they start hitting them all with the bats.  Out comes Charkon, Gerome Smith, Corbin, Myzery, and Ryda and all hell breaks loose.]


[The screen fades to black as you see all the men in the ring beating the crap out of each other.]

DRWF Deadly assault
©2001 All Rights Resereved
Bolt 45 Sports Inc.


Credit on the Results...

David Adame: Myzery Vs Chris Concord and Ryda Vs Eric Avalanche
Andrew Mielitz: MLN Vs H2K and Tyrone Vs Redeemer
Trey Hamlyn: DoA Vs UMS
Kevin Edwards: Ace Vs Logan Rockwood
Big Willie-isms: Everything Else

Thank you all so much for the Help. I REALLY appreciate it. Thank you and Peace Out!