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The Art of Combat

The Art of Combat

Slave Matches
  • The EXP's earned from SM's are 100-200. Along with a new slave. If you fight a Slave Match, and you win, the loser must be listed as a slave for a period of time equal to 1 day IRL time for each point they lost by, but no less then,72 hours(IRL). They must list it in their Profile that they are a slave and for how long.If they remain in service as a slave for more than 72 Hours, then after the 72 hours are served a RM may be fought to free them.

    Release Matches
  • A RM is fought only to gain the release of a Slave or Prisoner of War(PoW). RM's are fought for freedom from slavery, by the slave or a friend of the slave. If the RM is a success, the slaver must free the slave. If it fails, the person fighting the RM becomes a slave for double the time, unless it was a friend of the slave, then they become a slave for the same amount of time. The winner gains 100-500 XPs and the loser gains just 20 XP's. The dice and five side rule apply in RM's just like in spars.

    Honor Matches
  • Honor Matches are for just that, Your Honor or the Honor of a person your are standing up for must be in Question.they are for the restoration of someone's Honor, Period. The EXP's earned from HM's are 100-500. At the end of this Document is a Fine Schedule which will be imposed upon anyone who Violates the guidelines & rules of Rhydin.

    Death Matches
  • The DM is the ultimate Spar. Two people enter, one person leaves. As with the traditional DM, we intend to change nothing. The winner gets 200-500 XPs, and the loser DELETES.Period. DM's are exactly what they say, and in this forum there is ressurection from a death match. Mock DM's are prohibited unless in correlation with a mock war, as DM's are not a spar and should not be used as such to gain experience.

  • Some people use suicide for story line purposes and come back at a later point, however there must be some line drawn so that this doesn't go out of control. If you use suicide for a story line...that is YOUR choice. But if you are upset enough that you LOG the suicide, and send it to AkiruSpahr, or spend more than 48 hours as a ghost, then you will summarily be declared dead by Brimstne15, and need to sweep profile. There are rezzes for suicides and must be done 24 hours after the death.

    The Aggressor Rule
  • If a Fight starts between two individuals,and no rules are stated,the 20/30/40 rule takes immediate effect (20 hit points for a Human,30 for a half breed and 40 for a Super/Immortal), and the fight becomes a DM. The loser becomes a Ghost (no rezz needed) for 72 hours IRL ,to think on the situation. Now, if the Aggressor has exceedingly higher dice then his victim (more then a 25 points possible to "hit" spread),he(or she) will be reduced in dice by 20 to 30 sides. All aggressor logs are to be sent to Brimstne15.

    Mass Spars
  • A mass spar is the same as a normal spar but there are teams rather than individuals fighting. A free-for-all (FFA) is another form of mass spar. More than two people fight in an FFA, but it is everyone for themselves, with no team cooperation. Mass spars are scored somewhat differently than spars. An easy formula to follow: # of opponents beaten x highest dice of all the opponents x 5. In the event that all combatants were "killed" (knocked out of the spar), the person with the lowest point difference to go out wins the spar (For example, a person that was "killed" with 41 points would win against someone that was "killed" with 45 points). Losers of MS's get 5 X the number of opponents in MS for earning experience.