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Here you can find the quotes from those film makers, studios, and other related sources that have to do with the brunt the MPAA is having on them with their ratings system. If you have any more, please let me know. I will also require the source where you got it so I can verify the quote. Read on, and learn!

Trey Parker & Matt Stone, SOUTH PARK & ORGASMO

"When they stick NC-17 on a movie, it means that the movie does not even open in a tenth as many theatres as it would have normally. When you do it to a movie, it's not just a persons choice anymore-you're making it unaccessible to millions of people."-Parker "There's no control. This group, the MPAA, is such a big scary thing in our society. They're nazis & they can say what they want & anything goes. It is very scary. It's completely arbitrary."-Parker

Stanley Kubrick, EYES WIDE SHUT

"The major studios don't release NC-17 films because the tag severely limits the number of theatres the film can be booked in and prevents ads for the film from being placed in many newspapers around the country. Which leaves only the option of cutting EYES WIDE SHUT if and when the dreaded NC-17 comes to pass. Warner Bros. doesn't want to be seen as a desecrator of Kubricks legacy. Re-editing the late directors final film would definately hurt Warner Bros. rep as a talent-friendly studio."-Jeffrey Wells, Showbiz Confidential


Clark shot most of Paradise handheld, using as much natural light as he could. "I was just trying to make it look as real as possible." Some of the film looked to real, at least according to the ratings board, which asked for several cuts to be made to soften some of themore extreme sequences. "yes, the violence in my film is intense." comments Clark, "and it's supposed to be. Violence happens that way, very suddenly. And it's ironic. Speilburg DOes SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, everybdy raves about how the violence is so realistic, but when I do it they go nuts."