Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
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- §372 Misconduct Complaints
- 372 Complaint 12-17-94
(pdf) 50722 bytes
- Supp 372 Complaint
1-17-95 (pdf) 19345 bytes
- 2nd Supp
372 Complaint 1-23-95 (pdf) 27647 bytes
- 3rd Supp 372
Complaint 3-9-95 (pdf) 31056 bytes
- Ltrs
to House Jud, DOJ & FBI (pdf) 80640 bytes
- Publications on the Ninth Circuit
- Ninth Circuit, The Enemy Within
- Godzilla Must Be Destroyed
- In Regards to Complaints of Judicial Misconduct
Numbers 99-80153 and 54
- new -> BRANSON
v. NOTT, 62 F.3d 287 (9th Cir. 1995)
- new -> Lockheed
and Parking Violations
- Cases
- USSC Docket No. 99-585
- Petition to Congress for Articles of Impeachment
(pdf) 111 K Bytes
- Parking
Fed - Supplemental Brf (Certiorari) (pdf) 76774 bytes
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