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Jail4Judges is entirely a grass-roots effort. Currently no one involved in JAIL receives a salary. We are just people fed-up with the direction our country is going and principled enough to change it. We believe in the cause of JAIL, and know that if it is to be successful, we must 1) support to advertise, and 2) advertise for support, spiraling ever upward until it becomes a glorious reality. (What a celebration day that will be.) This, of course, means gaining people's confidence across America that we are the channel [and even The Only Channel] to "make their dreams come true" in restoring freedom to this country. (You need not live in California to help.)

Let's take on the judges who have already expressed that We, the People, will not be able to pull this off. The California Judges Association is saying we won't get the backing to get this initiative on the ballot; that the people are intelligent enough not to vote for it if it does; that if it passes, it will be challenged as a violation of their First Amendment right to free speech, that they will be denied due process of law, and denied a right to a jury of their peers. As we become better known, you will hear judges scream like never before. They will spend untold millions to counter our threatened victory. Never in the history of California will an initiative be so hotly debated. Even judges in other states will be opposing it. Note: One Superior Court judge called confidentially to say that we desperately need this initiative, but indicated that they were not free to speak out publicly of their support and we could not use their name. We accepted that.

How can you help?

"1 (900) GO4JAIL $5 donation"

Contribute Ideas - Ideas make things happen. What do you know that will help us become known or raise funds? E-mail your ideas.

E-Mailers - We need people, all kinds of people, who will volunteer to sit at their computers and e-mail our homepage website to movie stars, famous & influential people, wealthy donors, established businesses, large corporations, attorneys & law firms as if to pursue the saturation point. If you have an e-mail address list you could send to us, it will help.

Signature Gatherers - To get this initiative on the ballot, we are required to gather 670,816 valid signatures by January 6, 2000. Please, by all means, download our two-sided signature petition sheet to your printer from our website to distribute and collect signatures. Even if you only have one signature on the form, we still need it.

Link websites - There are literally hundreds of thousands of websites out there. Many of you own one, or know of one which can be linked to draw people's attention to the JAIL homepage.

Sponsor an Ad -
  1. We need sponsors of weekly or monthly ads in their local newspaper or tabloids that might simply read,



  2. Sponsor a 10 to 30 sec. spot ad on your local radio anywhere in the country.

  3. Sponsor a bus bench ad that reads as in 1 above.

  4. And finally, how about sponsoring, or help sponsor a billboard. You're sure to raise eye-brows! The author dreams about one day driving South on the 5 Freeway between L.A. and Orange County and viewing a very large well-lighted billboard that reads in huge letters "GOT JUSTICE? try" Millions are sure to see it. Media cannot help but snap-shot it and place a picture in their newspaper. It would surely become the talk of California, even clear to Sacramento. With the funds gleaned from it, we could place one North-bound out of L.A. to be sure Sacramento knows we are serious. We could repeat this scenario throughout the state.

1(900) Number - Perhaps you know how we could obtain a 900 number, in which case we could add to our billboard advertisement reading:
Financial Support - Volunteer to donate faithfully $5 or $10 + per month. The way to climb a mountain is one step at a time. We are informed that most political campaigns are won by small donors. Don't underestimate your small faithful donations.
Informing Us - Perhaps you already know of large donors of great political causes. Let us know so we may approach them on why they should support JAIL.
Volunteer Fundraising - We are not geniuses on fundraising. Many of you know a lot more than we do on this. How do we do it? or Who do we see? Maybe you would enjoy sponsoring a fundraiser yourself.
Commercial Fundraising Enterprises - Hey, for you commercial fundraising people out there who are in it just for the bucks, we would not be adverse to considering a percentage of whatever you bring in. From a commercial point of view, we have a "very hot product" to "sell." Give us a call.
Web Site Construction - Some of you are extremely knowledgeable on web site construction as to how we can improve this site.
Public Speakers - Some of you are attorneys who know the value and need for this initiative, and you would like to convince us that you are qualified to be a public speaker on behalf of this initiative. Perhaps you know a group or organization where we should send a public speaker.
Public Access T.V. - Some of you host public access, and would like to have a program on JAIL for Judges. Maybe you even know a host on a regular TV show and can get us on the air.
Radio Talk Shows - You can call in radio talk shows and bring us up, or schedule one of our representatives to be a guest on the show.

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