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From: 12/13/99

Subject: Court Corruption

Mr. Sussman--I am an historian and former attorney and public prosecutor who has been fighting the pervasive corruption in the Oregon court system for the past l2 years. For attempting to speak, in court on the record, about the criminal conduct of attorney and judges involved in covering up the murder of attorney Don Kettleberg and the theft of his 80-l00 million dollar estate.

I have been repeatedly arrested and to date jailed a total of 290 days.

Seventy of those days I spent in the maximum security unit of the Oregon Insane Asylum on orders of Judge Dorothy Baker. Judge Baker, before she ran out of the court, said I could not aid and assist in my own defense because I had a persecutorial delusion. The delusion was that I thought that many of the judges in Multnomah County were corrupt. Ed Snook with THE OREGON OBSERVER said that at least l0,000 other people in Oregon had the same delusion.

Until a month ago the only time I could speak in court, on the record, was when I was being tried on groundless criminal charges for contempt of court. Not one of the charges I have made against the thieving attorneys or corrupt judges, in open court, about their involvement in stealing the Kettleberg estate, has been denied or otherwise refuted. What I have come to realize is that the court system in Oregon is completely corrupted. What the Gastons and I and hundreds of other citizens around the state are doing is what Art. I Sec. I of the Oregon Constitution gives us an absolute right to do, namely reform the corrupt government to force observance of the citizens rights to equal protection of the law and due process of law. I don't know if you have enough backbone to identify yourself and hear personally the horror stories about the corruption in our courts here in Oregon. If you do please contact me at l-503-232-669l or write me at 3526 SE Franklin St. Portland, Ore. 97202. Roger Weidner.

Our hat is off to Roger for being a soldier in the pit for all of us. This problem, of course, is not limited to the State of Oregon, but is nationwide. Another reason why we need JAIL all over this country.

Ron Branson

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