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NJ Corruption in the Courts

Unfortunately it isn't only the family court system, at least not in New Jersey. I've been victimized to the hilt in the judicial branch. I'm obviously now considered a whistle blower so the situation has become exacerbated. It's ironic that if you suffer corruption in silence -- turn tail and run -- you'll be accused of not fighting for your rights. If you fight for your rights, you're considered a tattle tale or whistleblower.

There's only one thing that these judges and other officials all do. Ignore the facts and the situation. They hide their heads in the sand and simply make believe the truth doesn't exist and you're just a disgruntled litigant.

I'll be filing Federal law suits although I guess I shouldn't expect that the Federal courts are much better. The one thing that could bring the matter to attention are federal class action law suits. The problem with this type of suit is that too many state litigants are afraid that the situation will make the case against them in the state court system worse than it already is.

I would suppose that it's only the litigants like myself, who've gone through the entire state system (the DOJ insisted that I go the whole route) and are absolutely certain that there's no other remedy available.

At this point in time, if my issues are ever granted any sort of meaningful due process hearing it would show the judiciary up for exactly what they've become such as the Judges who have no compunction about lying on the record . . . Why? They know they'll be protected every which way from Sunday. The Governor, Attorney General etc. will repeat they're same old worn and tired phrases . . . they cannot comment on any laws or lawsuits. Yet, perjury is perjury no matter who it is that's doing the perjuring.

There's strength in numbers. As long as the victims-of-law remain isolated the government can go about their corrupt business without ever being held accountable.

I am also creating a web site. I'm going to post the actual federal law suits with the accompanying documentation. BTW, I've never been allowed one due process hearing (based on law or rule) in any court in New Jersey. Motions for due process hearings for judges to take judicial notice of the laws of the state of NJ were all regularly denied without comment.

In case anyone is wondering what I was suing for, it's shockingly simple.

In one case I sued for an accounting of my late husband's estate. It was never accounted for and I learned that my own money was hidden and taken from me. I have letters from the Surrogate's court and other officials. There was and remains no accounting. The material fact witness judge who took over the case stated I filed a frivolous law suit while all the judges avoided all mention of what the suit consisted of, like my absolute right to an accounting. My minor son also had the same rights and ended up as a named litigant although he never filed suit and was never served. We aren't even residents of New Jersey. In probate matters one can only file suit in the county where the will was allegedly probated.

The lawyers who represented me in matters of the estate and a subsequent wrongful death action perjured themselves and claimed they didn't represent me. They claimed a lawyer I didn't even know at the time was representing me (the lawyer who filed suit on my behalf). I had copies of the retainer agreement I signed including letters from attorneys stating they represented me. The retainer agreement and all the attorneys letters were ignored as if they didn't exist. The actual filed court documents prove who the attorneys were who handled the matters. They're a matter of public record. They too were ignored as if they don't exist. Judges and lawyers keep stating the same thing over and over again. It was an attorney who could not have been involved who was representing me even though it was impossible.

My latest fiasco was absolutely too simple so the courts had to lie to cover up their corruption. I retained a contractor to do some work on property I owned in New Jersey. He never got a building permit. I refused to pay him the balance because the city wouldn't give me a Certificate of Approval since there was no permit and the job was never inspected. The regulatory codes are clear. Nothing hidden about them. The judges refused to allow me to testify, refused to allow any mention of the writing requirements under the Consumer Fraud statute etc. etc. etc. It was with a great deal of shock I began to realize what the judge and the contractor's lawyer was up to. The contractor perjured himself saying no permits were required. It came out of the clear blue sky. My attorney had a copy of the state codes governing the situation. The judge read them into the record and then stated that they're only advisory, nothing more and refused to allow them on the record.

I argued with state and city officials that I had a court opinion stating permits were not necessary . . . they told me the judges didn't have any jurisdiction over permits and that permits are mandatory. Of course I knew, my attorney knew, and everyone else knows permits were required prior to doing any work. This is what makes it so bizarre. I had to have the job redone by a contractor who got permits prior to doing the work in order to obtain my Certificate.

Supposedly, false statements are exactly what they are, false. Judges are prohibited from making deliberate false statements. The statements are documented for anyone to read. It's time that the judges were made to account for their criminal behaviors.

Class action suits are the only way to go since there's protection in numbers.

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