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Search for Justice

To whom it may concern , My name is Jeff Davis. I have hosted International shortwave radio and National Network programs for four years. I am also the host of the long running " Jeff Davis Show " television program for 8 years. We are investigating many testamonials concerning abuse ( illegal stops, searches, etc.) and revenue generation in Williamson county, Texas. We are asking that your representatives visit -- -- and listen to our newest film documentary entitled "Search for Justice." You can listen online.

We are requesting an recorded interview with District Attorney Ken Anderson or an assistant to respond to these allegations. We will not go away and will eventually get what we request. We can understand any delay in answering our requests, as they are damaging interviews for your county. We have already begun reproducing and filling requests for the video documentary. We will be hand delivering this video to the FBI, Travis County, Texas Rangers, Texas Attorney General office, U.S. Attorney General office and U.S. Justice department as well as different State Representatives and public officials asking for their review and investigation. We wait for your response ..

God Bless All,

Jeff Davis -- Austin, Texas --

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