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(Letter addressed to J.A.I.L)

Hi Ron:

Each of us in our (Coalition For Family Court Reform) have been trying to get this family court "abolished" but instead each of us have been humiliated, intimidated, and our efforts looked at as frivolous. When any one of us goes forward with the TRUTH or tries to do the "Right Thing" we are disgraced, browbeaten, and thrown aside and called crazy, paranoid, obsessive etc. etc. Many of us have had our money extorted , homes taken away, children taken, lost our jobs because of continuous court appearance been humiliated, get no help from the press or others who have not been abused by the system, or there are those who just simply don't understand and can't believe the horrors of the court and what they can do to you!

Yes, it is hard to believe that the judges, attorneys and "The System" (The Beast), can devastate one so totally, even to your spiritual core! The continued injustice does suck out your soul, especially those who have an innate and deep sense of justice and "righteousness" of our laws. But we don't get heard and are not allowed to speak, and have no due process. Many have been told in court "you have no constitutional rights"!!! ... they have been getting away with it for a long time. ....It is a Game to them with our lives. ....and they could care less whether you or I take another breath tomorrow! These are people without a conscience, with out a soul and living in the dark ages the feudal system, the peasants haven't a chance!

The system perpetuates inhumaness of the worst kind. It is similar to a War or the Holocaust..... It is just beyond belief, that one human being can devastate another so ....and to think herds of people are involved in this devastation (clerks, secretaries, bailiffs, etc, etc) to hide the facts and hide the Truth...!

Yes, we have all been called "obsessive" and paranoid. ....well the system makes you that way. .....overnight a good, decent, truthful law abiding citizen can be categorized as a fraud with frivolous motions and accusations, a liar, immoral, a malingerer, or a mental case, etc.!

Well, we "who have been down that road" and been accused and been called names. We know the Truth and we know who we are, and no matter what, sooner or later this "Evil System" will have it's Judgement Day- and their evil deed's will be brought out into the light. .....I say thank you for calling me obsessive - for I am definitely obsessive about the Truth coming to light! I have faith that, "the light will go before us to make the crooked places straight," If enough of us get together, and get organized we will bring change about much quicker!

But the main objective of the Evil Beast is to keep us in the dark, keep us separated, keep us in chaos, keep us devastated, and break our spirit. How do they do this ? By keeping the legal language and rules difficult to understand and to follow, don't let the litigants have due process, no witnesses, no discovery, no evidence, don't let the truth come forward, don't let the public have any information, lists or procedures, keep them confused with strange orders and shocking opinions and statements by the judges, don't let the media print any negative information about the system, take more away from them each time they enter court, sanction them for being - In Pro Per ... (they insist you have to have an attorney to take your money and devastate you further and sell you out!)

Mostly they keep us from communicating with each other.... because if we got organized we'd have more power!

I encourage all those who have been Abused by the Legal System to "Stand Together" and fight for "Freedom"... Don't let "The Beast" break you..... keep your faith and keep strong!

Blessings, Leah
from Las Vegas, Nevada.


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