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My name is Brandy. I was referred to this site by a radio station in Rockford, IL. Your site is getting around. I am writing to see if I can get some direction or advice regarding a case I lost in Probate Court regarding Guardianship of my 6yr old grand-daughter. I believe there was a gross mis-justice handed down from the judge sitting on that bench. My grand-daughter was removed from my custody and placement given to her father. A man with 18 convictions in WI, who is still on probation until 2001 for armed robbery. A man who lied repeatedly on the stand, and the judge never sited or warned him. In his summation even stated that he knew the father had lied on the witness stand, and still order placement with the father. It was the very same judge who previously ordered supervised visits stemming from a sexual molestation charge in IL. ...

Thank you,

Dear Brandy:

Your situation is all too common. In fact, it is of epidemic proportions. I couldn't describe how widespread the problem really is. Americans at large would be shocked to know the truth of the real facts.

It appears to me that corporate profits, particularly Lockheed Martin, have interjected itself into the Family Law Courts. We receive more complaints about this area than any other. The courts do pretty much whatever they d___ well please. And let's not forget that they have a cut in the profits too.

The cure? It is only J.A.I.L! Until J.A.I.L. is the law of this land, these abuses will continue and increase exponentially. We're seeing only the tip of the iceberg. We welcome you to JAIL and to our future mailings. See our website.



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