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On 48 hours, you ran a story about the falsely accused and the unscrupulous methods of investigators and prosecutors with children that are destroying innocent people who are caught up in it.... the prosecutors are criminal in their actions against innocent people to "prove their case" for the state, and will stop at nothing to prevail in court. The judges are complicit in courts of no due process, not allowing the defendants to put on their case.

In courts of no due process, allegations that are not credible evidence, bias and prejudice routinely allow the police, caseworker, foster parent, counselor reports to be accepted, without scrutiny as to the methods or discrediting conflicting details that are always there IF all the facts come out on the records.

We are so thankful to you for showing the disgusting interviews; people have got to see that we cannot trust the methods that are being used. To trust that our courts and officers are respectable is a very dangerous blindness, by which corrupted individuals in these positions are exploiting vulnerable people.

We are involved in a story here in Oregon that encompasses many of the same issues - a child taken on false accusations that were later dismissed against a father, yet the child is not returned. The child has been burned and sexually abused and pornography made in more than eighteen foster homes, all admitted under oath by case workers, that they knew of these things, yet never protected the child.

This child, now nine, has had three years of the interviews you showed - grown men, every adult the child comes into contact with, having explicit sexual conversations and acting out sexual themes, TELLING her and PUNISHING HER to tell them that her father had inappropriately touched her. For more than three years this has been building, as this child has been in many documented abusive foster homes, of which we have the documents that are the evidence of their crimes. The STATE of Oregon has actively retaliated, intensifying right now, as we speak, with false arrests and imprisonment, directed verdicts, illegal banishments, fabrication of documents,on and on......

The original complainant, a woman named Shirley Baez, of Silverton Oregon, was arrested in l996, soon after having this child removed from her father, for illegal black market baby buying in Mexico. Last week, in NY, a ring was busted doing exactly the same thing - these are black market child movers and pornographers, individuals exploiting their positions of authority to commit crimes for profit.

In April, l998, a trial by jury was held in Marion County, Salem, Oregon that established, by affirmative defense, that the judges, as well as the other officials involved are conspiring and racketeering in this case, yet still no prosecution. The Governor, Chief Justice Supreme Court Carson and Attorney General Hardy Myers are all named, and the District Attorney, Dale Penn, in Marion County, has under oath defended child pornography and refuses to arrest anybody or bring any investigation into this because he is complicit in it and named in the lawsuit.

In April, l998, Police Chief Rick Lewis, whose officers are named in this racketeering complaint, sent the whole case to the Justice Department asking them to investigate the case, and absolutely nothing has been done, except Attorney General Hardy Myers actively and aggressively retaliating against the family of this child - trying ever harder to destroy them and now has terminated parental rights to abscond permanently with this child so she can never reveal the full extent of her abuse....this child and her family's lives are hanging in the Court of Appeals, who affirm without opinion and reverse in favor of the SOSCF almost exclusively....this is a HORRENDOUS situation, unfolding and escalating right now, and the courts are blatantly acting to cover up their crimes and protect themselves.

Please open up this story to the people - these are methods and operations that are destroying countless families, as the attorneys write legislation that give more and more power to the prosecutors. This is going to continue, until the people see how they are being destroyed by letting the 'fox guard the henhouse" and write their own laws in self interest.

These guys are disgusting - as in your show, and this is common, that even when the false allegations are seen as nonsense, and there is more than a "reasonable doubt" to the guilt of these people, the prosecutor "may still put her back in jail". Marion County District Attorney Dale Penn said that when you are found not guilty of a crime, even by a jury, it does not close the case....

Then there are the parents who are guilty and in denial because they feel like their children are now branded liars when it is the ADULTS in these situations who create their own pornographic fantasies and then say the children "gave disclosures". Truly, the ones in the end who will suffer most in this are the small percentage who have truly been abused but whose testimony is discredited by the illegal methods of the interviewers. (Congress said in l995 that 75% of the children removed from their homes should never have been removed - but once the state gets a referral, the whole payoff is for "successfully completed cases' which mean adoption, and the whole agenda is to "prove" their allegations ) We see very clearly now how they are doing this, and up until now are hiding behind confidentiality that never protected ONE child, only the perverted adults.....

There is so much to this story, it can hardly be told - all fully documented, court records, volumes of testimony and audio and video court transcripts, under oath testimony and confessions, and the people need to see what the government and now federal courts are trying to keep quiet that will blow the top off of their criminal practices.

There is so much more - we hope that you might be the public right to know, as you are doing a great job in doing these exposes - we are SO THANKFUL that you are helping break through the wall of false beliefs and prejudice that people have that are going through this - the agencies and the DA's know that all they have to do is throw a whole wad of slander at a vulnerable person, and see what sticks, exploiting anybody they can along they way to win and all the bar member judges and attorneys profit from the destruction......the public exposure is the light of day and it will stop this in its tracks once everybody sees what is happening......

Pamela Gaston, Co
Director of A Voice For Children
President Oregon Judicial Watch
PO Box 132, Mt. Angel, Oregon 97362

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