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From: Antoine Chuck
To: Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 12:19 PM
Subject: 2 judicial scams?

Dear Ronald Branson,

I would like to tell me what happened with your parking ticket racket case & if you know anybody who can help with my Lexus case.

1st I'm dealing with the Miami Parking Violations Bureau [who owns them?]been accused some 2 years ago that I was in violation of illegally parking a car at a place described ..imposed an immediate penalty.

When I wasn't questioned, allowed due process, or wasn't even presented with any evidence; I questioned, in writing, the legitimacy of imposing such penalty without due process, they went beyond threatening mean and wicked things directly to notifying the DMV that I could never register my car again.

MY offer to settle the matter with the city without court action was been refused too! Please tell me you won so I can do the same!

This is a sample of 2nd e-mail I sent to a local TV consumer News team because the judiial system is just like you've said! Why doesn't the News media [TV, radio, print, etc. help your efforts or multitude of victims they know of?

Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 13:01:09 -0800 (PST)
When you look at my Court file against Lexus you will see that they forged my signature on car's Title & some other Fed. documents [Federal Crime?].

Presented a forged Mediation Inc. Agreement knowingly, contradicting Mediation Inc. story that no papers exist! [Federal Crime].
Their own records prove that 28,000 miles were knowingly removed from the odometer. [Federal Crime], have omitted, or destroyed, many 'key' documents after Judge Denied their Enforcement motion they, JM Lexus{a.k.a. SE Toyota} somehow got an Order to Enforce, without 1. applying for the Court date [even other rich people have to], 2. or getting any signatures! [Judge's or mine]!
Refused to do any Warranty work unless I stopped persuing their Crimes.
Are they getting away all this because they're 'the superior race'? Or because I'm a minority [prejudiced by the Court System]?
I hope it's valuable to you because so many people have bought new & used cars from all Toyota & Lexus dealers which practice under SE Toyota [Fla.,Ala.,Ga.,+ 3 more states]. Everybody in the larger audience would want to hear & confirm these things so they don't get stuck with an unsellable car & it's problems because they deal with, & pay full price for dealers lying honest car dealers would have reasons to expose the 1 that makes them all look bad, & lose money. It would 'spark interest'& larger audience to you

I need to get a name or address someone close by [Orl, FL] who "can help point me in the direction" to resolve this before they victimize more people, What info can I get?

What can I do to help you & yours? Please e-mail if you have questions.


Dear Antoine:

Thank your for writing and expressing you concerns about the parking ticket scam in Florida. You have asked me to please write to you and tell you I have won my case against Lockheed Martin. Well, I can't tell you that, although I believe I have made a tremendous blow for truth.

I am currently in the United States Supreme Court. A brief from me to the Supreme Court will be forthcoming.

I intend to write an article for the internet entitled, "LOVE AND MARRIAGE: BIG CORPORATIONS AND JUDGES," showing established evidence that judges are tied up to their eye-balls with stock ownership in corporations across America, and that they are ruling in cases in which they hold ownership. There is an old saying, "If it doesn't make sense, its making dollar$." Sherlock Holmes is attributed to saying, "To investigate something that doesn't make sense, search for a motive that does."

The Ninth Circuit affirmed the groundless "decision" below, which rests on no evidence, and sanctioned me $1000. On appeal, the Ninth Circuit with no evidence on which to determine an appeal, came to the conclusion, "We may affirm the judgement below on any grounds supported by the record below," but cited noting from the record. On rehearing, I pointed out to them that there are two required procedures which were omitted, and requested that they cite from the record the evidence on which they rely for their decision. They responded, "Branson request to cite from the evidence on the record is denied," and then proceeded to sanction me, impose double costs, and attorney's fees to Locheed Martin. Lockheed's request to bar me from the courts in bring future actions in court was denied.

We now have what I believe to be a RICO cause of action against the Ninth Circuit judges involved, Lockheed Martin, and against the lawfirm which they hired to defend them. I fully intend to proceed to call Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against theses judges. This, of course, will be for the record. They are involved in an attempted illegal extortion plot, in which the court acknowledges they have no evidence (or at least refuse to show justification) for awarding Lockheed anything. In fact, the roles should be 180 degrees reversed, in that Lockheed has absolutely no defense to my cause of action, and I am entitled to summary judgement in my favor against Lockheed. The shenanigans they have pulled along the way are clearly sanctionable. If they were not a lawfirm, they might be able to argue their way out of sanctions under the theory that they were ignorant and unlearned in law and proper procedures.

Through experience, I am among the most informed persons in this nation of the subject of corruption in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is my ultimate goal to totally shake up the Ninth Circuit, as well as the other federal circuits as we gain national recognition.

I trust that my statement regarding the outcome of my case is not the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the truth. Nonetheless, I believe the wheels are about to come off their chariots.

Finally, I don't believe race has anything to do with the outcome. We have with JAIL several fully trained lawyers with a combination of some 100 years of courtroom experience, all of whom just happen to be white, as well as myself, who verify and fully understand what I say. As to how you can help advance JAIL, please see this topic on our website. I also may suggest that you look at the article on our website written by Insight Magazine. The evidence of an organized judicial bribery ring in Los Angeles and Orange County was provided to Insight by a friend of mine, Marve Bryer. God bless.

Ron Branson

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