"The Washington Times

Inside the Beltway
John McCaslin
Published 6/9/00

Jason McCulley, et al.

As they vowed to do in the wake of the Million Mom March, Democrats on Capitol Hill begin each day by rattling off the names of gunshot victims - taking swipes at Republicans and the National Rifle Association in the process.

Among this week's Hill criers: Sen. Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, and Sen. Barbara Boxer, California Democrat and mother-in-law of Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother Anthony Rodham.

So what do Republicans have to say for themselves?

Following each Democratic death roll, the Republicans are reading the names of Americans who, thanks to guns, are alive today: Shawnra Pence, a mother in Sequim, Wash., to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Horn, of Cumberland, Tenn. "We can come up with 2.5 million crimes thwarted every year when someone used a gun in defense of themselves or their property," says Sen. Larry E. Craig, Idaho Republican. "In many cases, armed citizens not only thwarted crime, but they held the suspect until the authorities arrived."

Yet Americans using their Second Amendment rights to save lives isn't news in America. "It isn't hot," Mr. Craig explains.

One day, the senator expects, Democrats will get around to reading the name of Jason McCulley, another unlucky gunshot victim. "I doubt they will tell you how he died, however, because it doesn't advance their goal of destroying the Second Amendment."

How did he die?

The same couple mentioned before, Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Tennessee, were going about their lives when McCulley broke into their home and tied them up at knife-point, demanding money. "While Mrs. Horn was directing the robber," says the senator, "Mr. Horn wriggled free from his restraints, retrieved his handgun, shot the intruder, and then called the police."

McCulley subsequently died.

Or, as Mr. Craig puts it: "If some senators on the other side of the aisle had their way, perhaps the Horns would have been killed and Jason McCulley would have walked away."

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