What This Journal is All About

This is where I will be putting things that I need to keep available way beyond the time when news sources keep pages on the Internet, and for people to see and read but which don't necessarily fit anywhere else; personal information, pictures to share, clippings from news sources that may not be on the Internet more than one day. This site will be like a "scrapbook where I save items that will not remain long on the Internet. It is also where I archive my articles for others to read.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Ray Thomas Site
My personal site where you can read just about everything I've written that isn't here plus what many others have written.

A "special report" on daily happenings, updated several times a day. Not all the news, but mostly that which you're not likely to see in the mainstream media.'

The Forced Altruism Site
"Forced Altruism as opposed to simple "altruism.: A term I coined to differentiate between real altruism and the kind that is forced upon us. This site explains it.

The Child Protector Watch Site
A site to combat "child abuse" as practiced by the "child protectors" themselves in the guise of "protecting" children.

Ray Thomas AmsOil Site:
Where you can go to find out how to significantly reduce or even eliminate our dependence on foreign oil.

This page will give a full listing of titles and what pages they are on with a link to go to the section where they are to be found.

Child and Parent Abuse:
The child protectors today operate with a "Nazi-like" efficiency to snatch as many children as they can on any pretext whatever so they can be used to bring in millions of dollars in federal money in fees paid at each juncture. The cap, however, is the "adoption fee" of $4,500 to $6,000 they pay if the children become available for adoption. Clinton has recently sponsored legislation to make it even easier for snatched children to be put up for adoption by further limiting the amount of time a child can be "in the system" before being available for adoption, no matter how the case (which sometimes take three years or more before they win or lose) is progressing. Their purpose is simple: like Hitler and other despots, this government knows they must control what is taught to our children from the earliest age possible so they can be taught collectivism as an "ideal" without parental opposition. The only way to accomplish this is by completely destroying parental rights and authority over their children. This is the process they use to accomplish that.

Often there are important stories that defy classification but which we feel must be included because they are important inforrmation, This is where we put them.

"Cuttin' Through the Bull":
These are the weekly columns I do for Sierra Times. They will be posted here after their run there in case you can't get them from their archives.

Government Outrages
This is where we place stories about government outrages that don't fit nicely in a specific category, and there are many of them. There will be many news items, articles, and sometimes just web sites.

Guns and Self Defense
This is where all the stories about the drive toward the disarmament of America and the world will go. the power seekers want you to think it's "all about guns," but it's not. It's about self defense and being able to own and have easily available, the means to accomplish it. Part of this section will be a link to a site where there are many stories about people who have used legally carried, often concealed, guns in self defense.

Home Schooling
At one time I was like most people. I didn't think it would ever be necessary to have a separate section just for stories about the power seeekers' efforts to destroy the movement toward home schooling as a means of getting our children out of the public school system with their collectivist teachings. But they're in "high gear" now, even teaching children, using state money, how to perform gay sex .

Terminal Stupid:
Bureaucrats often times do things that are incredibly stupid in their quest to maintain, consolidate, and increast their control over the rest of us. This is where we put such stories.

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