Old, icky pictures

9th Grade Mug Shot
I both like and dislike this picture. It has a nice little story. At the end of eighth grade, i was so fed up with my hair. The solution, or so I thought, would be to cut it off. You know, a bob. Mom said I could, as long as I waited until after she got married. And so I did, and so I cut... and I think my hair became the wildest thing this side of the Atlantic. Seriously. And this picture was two months after I got it cut, too. The only good thing about this picture is the fact that I don't have braces in it. wahoo, right?

Josh's Prom
Spring 2001 I went to Palmer's prom with Josh. it was mucho grande fun. Except for the part where people decided to chase our car, and keep us from getting home until 4 AM, as well as getting themselves arrested by the police. Funny thing is, one of the people was someone I knew from Coronado.

Another prom picture. I'm too lazy to scan the actual prom picture. What a bum I am.

Taking On The World
You ever seen a little kid more ready for whatever may come thier way? I mean, see, in this picture, I have a Broncos helmet, a superman outfit, AND an apron. Yeah, try to mess with me, fool. You'll get punked.

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