Agility Mutt

This dog has something I like to call 'character.'

There ain't nothin better than what Jasper and I have. He and I have just gone through a beginning agilty class, and are getting ready to begin a review agility class, after which we intend to begin competing in agility trials (if we're good enough by that point). The agility class has really improved my bond with Jasper, as well as his obedience and attention span. Unfortunately, though, it has had a negative side effect. He always wants to go with whenever I leave the house. He thinks that whenever I put on shoes, or a coat, or grab my keys, it's his cue to fly out the front door toward the car. And when he doesn't get to go with, he decides he'll get back at me by peeing in the house.

Despite Jasper's obvious problems, his love is never-ending and unconditional. And there's no beating that.

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