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Sassy's Christmas Gifs


Blinking Rudolph (ani)
Rudolph's Head
Deer w/Light On Horns (ani)
Deer Head
Cute Reindeer
Rudolph (ani)
White Deer L
White Deer R

Deer On Train
Deer w/Candy
Three Country Deer
Gray Deer
Standing Rudolph
Comet (ani)


Bear On Rocking Horse
Cat In Hat w/Mouse
Dog & Cat In Hat
Kitty In Hat(ani)
Grinch Hands On Hips
Grinch w/Dog-Deer
Another Santa Mouse
Mouse w/Candy Cane
Peace Dove (ani)

North Pole Penguin
Penguin's Singing
Santa Bear
Cute Bird
Fish In Bowl
Red Bird
White Dove
Tweety w/Santa Hat On
Cat w/Hat On (ani)
Bears Skating

Bear Present (ani)
Present Dog
Gator Present (ani)
Red Bird w/Presents
Mouse Making A List
Another Mouse Making A List
Mouse w/Ornament
Mouse Running w/Ornament
Mouse Pulling Raindeer On Sled
Mice In Stocking
Mouse In Santa Hat

Three Cats Behind (ani)
Mouse w/Candy
Mouse In Santa Hat (ani)
Mouse w/Lites (ani)
Bear Getting Tree
Cat Swing
Santa Mouse
Bear w/Presents
Mouse In Cup
Bear On Candy Cane
Bear Skiing

Frog In Stocking (ani)
Cute Red Bird (ani)
Mouse On A Cane
Mouse Asleep
Santa Bear
Frog Family
Frogs w/Tree
Mouse w/Stocking
Bee w/Present
Animal Mail (ani)
Penguin w/Ornament (ani)

Snow Birds
Caroling Chickens
Hohoho Birds
Lil Red Bird

Santa & Snowpeople Trees & Ornaments Trim & Bells Angels & Nativity
Wreaths & Stockings Elves & Kids Deers & Animals Candles & Other Things
Headers & Sayings Backs-Lines & Bars Credits Disclaimer

Site Meter

I lost my counter and had to add a new one.