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I have found these gifs surfn the web with lots of hours spent looking for gifs that I can use and you can enjoy. I would like to give credit to all the wonderful sites that I have found these gifs in. I know I have probally missed some of them if you see something that you know is yours just let me know and I will add you to my list, They all have done a wonderful job on there sites. So PLEASE visit their sites you will enjoy them. Thank you all so very much for all your hard work. And if you take anything from my site or theirs please transload them to you own server.

Easter At Cap N Fila


B & J's Easter

Cindy's Easter Gifs

Anne's Easter Parade

Mom's Playpen Easter Gifs

Ginger's Gifs

Seaguill's Easter

Sandy's Easter Basket

Irish Mom's Gifs

Some of these gifs came from these wonderful newsgroups. Stop in and check them out. They can help you with your questions or find gifs that you might need. Great bunch of people in all of them. I do more lurking than anything else but I'm in there everyday. LOL And have learned a lot by reading their post.

Mslauralou Newsgroup

Animated Gifs


I love getting mail.

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