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Sassy's Christmas Gifs


Elf On Sled
Elf And The Grinch
Little Elf
Elf Standing On Hand
Happy Elf
Playful Elves
Elf Writing List (ani)
Elf w/Candy Cane
Elf Pile
Elves At Work
Elf (ani)

Elf w/Gift
Elf On Cane Another Elf On Cane Four Elves
Elf w/Jack In The Box (ani)
Fairy Elf w/Flower
Three Elves Faces


Kids On Sled
Boy Opening Present (ani)
Little Girl w/Gif (ani)
Kid Buiid Snowman
Kids w/Trees
Snow Girl
Boy Pulling Tree (ani)
Kids w/Santa
Kids From Around The World
Boy Singing
Girls Head

Santa & Snowpeople Trees & Ornaments Trim & Bells Angels & Nativity
Wreaths & Stockings Elves & Kids Deers & Animals Candles & Other Things
Headers & Sayings Backs-Lines & Bars Credits Disclaimer

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I lost my counter and had to add a new one.