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Sassy's Christmas Gifs


Flashing Wreath (ani)
Racoon In A Wreath
Small Wreath (ani)
Bell Wreath
Cat Hanging In A Wreath
Wreath w/Candle
Wreath w/Candle
White Wreath
Candle Wreath (ani)
Elf Wreath (ani)
Small Wreath

Wreath w/Red Bow
Pretty Wreath
Another Pretty Wreath
Kitchen Wreath (ani)
Wreath On Church Window
Deer Wreath
White Wreath


Stocking w/Bear (ani)
Joy Stocking
Red Stocking
Red & White Stocking
Rat In Stocking Waving (ani)
Christmas Stocking
Kitty In Stocking
Red Sparkle Stocking (ani) (made by me)

Santa & Snowpeople Trees & Ornaments Trim & Bells Angels & Nativity
Wreaths & Stockings Elves & Kids Deers & Animals Candles & Other Things
Headers & Sayings Backs-Lines & Bars Credits Disclaimer

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I lost my counter and had to add a new one.