Infinite creation points
Create a player, then go to "Edit Player" at the roster screen. Press Up or Down to choose the player you want to edit. Press Right to get to the speed category. Press X, then press X again.
Touchdown celebrations
Hold one of the following button combinations immediately after scoring a touchdown to perform the corresponding touchdown celebration:
- Hip thrust
Hold L1 + Square
- Jump spike
Hold L1 + Circle.
- Say a prayer
Hold L1 + Triangle.
- Spike football
Hold L1 + X.
- Shoulder shake
Hold L1 + R1.
- Slam dunk
Hold L1 + R2.
Instant Super Bowl Berth:
Highlight the Playoff screen. Select your team, but do not hit the X button to select them. You must press R1 and X simultainously in order for the code to work and a cheat buzzer to sound off. Instead of waiting for the buzzer to end, you must press R2 and Triangle simultainiously. You will now be transported to the selection screen where you select the teams/players/stadium involved in the Superbowl.
The following codes are typed at the code menu:
- plump
Super fieldgoals
Receivers always catch passes.
Easy Onside kicks:
After you score either a field goal or a touchdown, choose the "onside kick" play, while making absolutely sure that you are kicking it to the left. After that, a red arrow will appear. Adjust that arrow so it is lined up to the far left. Kick the ball at around half power, making sure that the ball travels at least 10 yards so there isn`t a flag, and the other team should be confused enough for your special teams to pick up the ball and run for a touchdown!
Get the ball first:
First, select Exhibition , Season or Franchise modes under the main screen. Then you must press Start at least 10 seconds before the coin toss begins. Now your team will start off with the ball.
Game Shark Codes
Master Code (Must Be On) EC8B53C8 142898C8
P1 Scores 0 3D464402 1456E7A5
P1 Scores 99 3D464402 1456E788
P2 Scores 0 3D464410 1456E7A5
P2 Scores 99 3D464410 1456E788