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NBA Live 2001 - Last Updated: 4-10-01

Increase Super Star stats
At the main menu, press Circle to access the active menu. Select "Roster", then "Edit Player". A Super Star player will appear if your "Create A Player" list has no entries. Press R2 to increase the player's stats at the edit player screen. To choose a different player, press L2 to return to the "Create A Player" list. Then, press Start and change to another player.

Strong pass
Press L2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball quickly to your opponent.

Between the legs pass
Press R2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball between your legs to your opponent.

Rolling pass
Press R1 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball by rolling it to your opponent.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On)
EC878A80 14388F68

Home Team Scores 0
3C1831C4 1456E7A5

Home Team Scores 99
3C1831C4 1456E788

Away Team Scores 0
3C1831C0 1456E7A5

Away Team Scores 99
3C1831C0 1456E788


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