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Summoner - Last Updated: 1-12-01

Quick spell
Cast a spell, press Triangle to display the pause menu, then select the "Inventory" option. Exit the screen to resume the game with your spell being cast without a delay. -From:

Spell Time Saver
When you need to cast a spell, such as healing and you are in a battle, Cast the spell, go into your inventory while it's casting and then come back out. The spell has already been cast and you don't loose any time by casting it!

Hidden FMV sequence
Select the "Credits" option from the main menu, then press X while the credits are being displayed.

Game Shark Codes

Enabler Code Must Be On!
ECB8C7E8 1456E60A

Infinite HP Cheat
4CAD7FB2 14562A45
4CAD7FAE 14562A45

Infinite AP Cheat
4CAD7FB6 1456089C
4CAD7FB8 1456089C

Infinite Gold Cheat
1CBFBB00 17E9C70C

Quick Level Up Cheat

Infinite Level Up Points Cheat
4C262AA4 1456E788

Level 9,999 Cheat
4CAD7FBC 1456089C

Maximum Sword Weapons
3CAD7FCF 1456E781

Maximum Axe Weapons
3CAD7FD4 1456E781

Maximum Blunt Weapons
3CAD7FD5 1456E781

Maximum Staff Weapons
3CAD7FD2 1456E781

Maximum Bow Weapons
3CAD7FD3 1456E781

Maximum Heavy Arms
3CAD7FD8 1456E781

Maximum Parry
3CAD7FD9 1456E781

Maximum Counter Attack
3CAD7FD6 1456E781

Maximum Dodge
3CAD7FD7 1456E781

Maximum Double Attack
3CAD7FDD 1456E781

Maximum Push
3CAD7FDA 1456E781

Maximum Heal
3CAD7FEC 1456E781

Maximum Dark
3CAD7FED 1456E781

Maximum Holy
3CAD7FEB 1456E781

Maximum Fire
3CAD7FF0 1456E781

Maximum Magic Resist
3CAD7FEF 1456E781
