Alternate paint job
At the main menu, press Down, Square, Down, R1, Right(2), Up, Left, Circle(2), L2, L1 to change the paint job of your car when you begin a game.
Motion blur mode
At the main menu, press Up, Left, Circle, Down, Right, Square, Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Square to unlock a "Motion Blur" selection in the options menu.
The Geeze car
Collect all coins in Rome level 1 to unlock The Geeze car.
P-nut car
Collect all coins in Rome level 2 to unlock the P-nut car (Mini Cooper).
Froggy car
Collect all coins in Rome level 3 to unlock the Froggy car.
Super Genius car
Collect all coins in London level 1 to unlock the Super Genius car (Smart Car).
Turtle car
Collect all coins in London level 2 to unlock the Turtle car (VW Beetle Convertible).
Ricochet car
Collect all coins in London level 3 to unlock the Ricochet car (Audi TT).
Fang car
Collect all coins in London level 4 to unlock the Fang car (Mazda MR2 Spyder).
Road Shark car
Collect all coins in London level 5 to unlock the Road Shark car (Honda S2000).
Portabello car
Collect all coins in Tokyo level 1 to unlock the Portabello car (Lotus Elise).
Street Eagle car
Collect all coins in Tokyo level 2 to unlock the Street Eagle car (Porsche 911).
Black Widow car
Collect all coins in Tokyo level 3 to unlock the Black Widow car (Plymouth Prowler).
Game Shark Codes
Master Code (Must Be On) EC878200 1456E79B
Infinite Time Cheat 4DE8A25E 145625CC
Infinite Continues Cheat 1DE8A2AC 1456E788
High Score Cheat 1DE8A28C 17E9C70C