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X-Squad - Last Updated: 12-10-00
Note: This game is also titled X-Fire (Cross Fire).

Private rank
At the title screen, press Square, Circle, Triangle, then start a new game. This results in a game with Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Sergeant rank
At the title screen, press Triangle, Circle, Square, then start a new game. This results in a game with no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Lieutenant rank
At the title screen, press R1, L2, L1, R2, then start a new game. This results in a game with a level 2 shield, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, bonus points displayed when earned, and a 10,000 point bonus when a level is completed.

Captain rank
At the title screen, press Circle, R1, Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, then start a new game. This results in a game with radar, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Major rank
At the title screen, press L2, Square,R2, Triangle, L1, Circle, R1, then start a new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, Level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Colonel rank
At the title screen, press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, then start a new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, beginner level of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus points displayed when earned.

General rank
At the title screen, press L1(2), L2(2), R1(2), R2(2), then start a new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, intermediate level of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Master of X-Squad rank
At the title screen, press Circle(4), Triangle, Square(4), then start a new game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, master level of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Game Shark Codes

Master Code (Must Be On)
EC81EAE8 1456E60A

Infinite Health Cheat
4D3B9D20 1456E7AB

Infinite Mission Points Cheat
4CB5CE04 1456089C

Infinite Pistol Ammo Cheat
4D3C84FC 1456E79C

Infinite Shield Level 1
4D3B9D24 1456E7AB

Infinite Shield Level 2
4D60F4F4 1456E72E

Infinite Shield Level 3
4D554C54 1456E72E

Infinite Shield Level 4
4D51D2B4 1456E72E

Infinite Shield Level 5
4D52E634 1456E72E

Infinite Shield Level 6
4D337254 1456E72E

Infinite Shield Level 7
4D105DA4 1456E72E

Infinite Shield Level 8
4D0B8394 1456E72E

All Weapons Cheat
DCB18022 043490DF
1CB5C914 14569D6D
1CB5C918 14569D6E
1CB5C91C 14569D6F
1CB5C920 14569D70
1CB5C924 14569D69
1CB5C828 14569D6A
1CB5C82C 14569D6B
1CB5C830 14569D6C
1CB5C834 14569D85
1CB5C838 14569D86
1CB5C83C 14569D87
1CB5C840 14569D88
1CB5C844 14569D81
1CB5C848 14569D82
1CB5C84C 14569D83
1CB5C850 14569D84
1CB5C854 14569D7D
1CB5C858 14569D7E
1CB5C85C 14569D7F

All Items Cheat
DC878022 043490DF
1CB5C860 1455B194
1CB5C864 1455B18D
1CB5C868 1455B18D
1CB5C86C 1455B18F
1CB5C870 1455B190
1CB5C874 1455B189
1CB5C878 1455B18A
1CB5C87C 1455B18B
