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Street Fighter EX3 Strategy Guide - Related: Codes - Reviews

				Street Fighter EX3
				Full FAQ/Move list
				Version 1.0 12/29/00
				By: Will Moose(

Version History:

Version 1.0 12/29/00-Initial Release


Table of Contents:
I.    Legal Information
II.   Abbreviations
III.  Game System Basics
IV.   Character Move lists
      -Chun Li
      -Transformed Hokuto
      -Doctrine Dark
V.    Hidden Character Move lists
      -M. Bison
      -Shadow Geist
      -Pullum Purna
      -Darun Mister
      -Vulcano Rosso
      -Bison II
VI.   Secrets
      -Hidden Characters
      -Alternate Unlocks
      -True Bison/Bison II
      -Dark Kairi
VII.  Combo Guide
VIII. Character Edit Guide
IX.   Final Thought
X.    Credits


Legal Information:
This guide is Copyright Will Moose 2000 and may not be used to make a profit or
used in any publication. You may not use anything in this guide without
contacting me first. This guide may be used for personal use and can be used on
any web site as long as there is no profit being made, and as long as I am
notified first. If you are too lazy to e-mail me then you have no business using
it anyway. If you wish to use information out of this guide then e-mail me at
the address found at the top of the page.

The newest version of this guide can always be found at


QCF-Quarter Circle Forward
QCB-Quarter Circle Back
HCF-Half Circle Forward
HCB-Half Circle Back
DP-Dragon Punch Motion(Down, Down Forward, Forward)
RDP-Reverse Dragon Punch Motion
P-Any punch
K-Any Kick
PPP-All three punches
KKK-All three kicks
LP-Light Punch
MP-Medium Punch
HP-Heavy Punch
LK-Light Kick
MK-Medium Kick
HK-Heavy Kick


Game System Basics:

The first thing that has been changed from all of the other previous Street
Fighter games. Instead of the old motion you now have to Press LP+LK. All the
characters also have an additional throw that can be preformed by pressing
B+LP+LK. Another change here is the throw escape, now you have to press F+LP+LK
or B+LP+LK.

Surprise Blow:
This is not an unblockable  move, it just stuns them and is perfect for setting
up a Combo or a Throw. This can be preformed by hitting MP+MK.

Momentary Combos:
Another new addition to the Street Fighter engine. This is a cancel from one
special move into another. Once you perform a special move you press a punch or
a kick button at the moment the first move connects. A surprise blow can be used
with this as well, just press MP+MK after it hits.

Most regular moves can be canceled into special moves by performing the special
move before the first moves animation is complete. Some special moves can be
canceled into other special moves as well.

Super Cancels:
Basically this is just a regular cancel done with a super combo for massive
damage. You can do this with 3 levels.

Super Combo:
A special move that does massive damage and takes up one super combo level.

Meteor Combo:
Much like a super combo, except it causes way more damage, and it takes 3
levels off your combo gauge.

Meteor Tag Combo:
A meteor combo that must be done with a specific partner. Not all characters
have one.

Character Parade:
This is a move in which you and your partner have several seconds to gang up on
your opponent and use unlimited super combos. You can do this by pressing
QCF+HP+HK, however it requires 2 super combo levels from both characters.


Character Move Lists:


Special Moves:
-Shankunetsu Hadoken-HCF+P
-Tatsumaki Senpukyaku-QCB+K then B+K

Super Combos:
-Shinku Hadoken-QCFx2+P
-Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku-QCBx2+K(Air)

Momentary Combos:
-P-Shankunetsu Hadoken
-K-Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku

Meteor Combo:

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:
-Tatsumaki Senpukyaku-QCB+K(Air)

Super Combos:
-Shoryu Reppa-QCF,D,DF,+P
-Shippu Jinraikyaku-QCBx2+K(QCB+K to cancel)

Momentary Combos:
-P-Zenpo Tenshin
-K-Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku

Meteor Combo:
-Kuzuryu Reppa-QCBx2+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Ryu-QCBx2+PPP

-Chun Li-

Special Moves:
-Hyakuretsu Kyaku-K(Rapidly)
-Spinning Bird Kick-QCF+K
-Gomen Ne-LP,LP,F,LK,HP

Super Combos:
-Hazan Tenshokyaku-QCBx2+K

Momentary Combos:

Meteor Combo:
-Kikosho Goku-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:
-Sonic Boom-B(Charge),F+P
-Somersault Kick-D(Charge),U+K

Super Combos:
-Opening Gambit-B(Charge),F,B,F+P
-Double Somersault Kick-DB(Charge),DF,DB,FU+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Sonic Boom
-K-Somersault Kick

Meteor Combo:
-Sonic Boom Typhoon-B(Charge),F,B,F+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Chun Li-B(Charge),F,B,F+PPP


Special Moves:
-Yoga Fire-QCF+P
-Yoga Flame-QCB+P
-Yoga Blast-QCB+K
-Yoga Catch-QCF+K
-Yoga Fake-QCF+KKK(Hold)

Super Combos:
-Yoga Drill Kick-QCFx2+K In air
-Yoga Legend-QCBx2+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Yoga Fire
-K-Yoga Blast

Meteor Combo:
-Yoga Inferno-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:
-Electric Thunder-P(Rapidly)
-Rolling Attack-B(Charge),F+P
-Vertical Rolling-D(Charge),U+K
-Back Step Rolling-B(Charge),F+K(P to cancel)
-Aerial Rolling-QCF+P In air

Super Combos:
-Grand Shave Rolling-B(Charge),F,B,F+P
-Beast Hurricane-QCFx2+P In air
-Jungle Beat-B(Charge),F,B,F+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Rolling Attack
-K-Vertical Rolling

Meteor Combo:
-Super Electric Thunder-QCF,D,DF+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Dhalsim-B(Charge),F,B,F+PPP


Special Moves:
-Double Lariat-PPP
-Quick Double Lariat-KKK
-Screw Pile Driver-360+P(Near)
-Atomic Suplex-360+K(Near)
-Russian Suplex-360+K(Far)
-Bear Hug-P(During Russian Suplex)

Super Combos:
-Final Atomic Buster-360x2+P(Near)
-Super Stomping-QCFx2+K(QCB+K to cancel)
-Aerial Russian Slam-QCBx2+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Growing Fist
-K-Quick Double Lariat

Meteor Combo:
-Cosmic Final Atomic Buster-360x2+PPP(Near)

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Darun-360x2+KKK


Special Moves:
-Rolling Crystal Flash-B(Charge),F+P
-Flying Barcelona Attack-D(Charge),U+K then P
-Izuna Drop-D(Charge),U+K then D+P(Near)
-Sky High Claw-D(Charge),U+P

Super Combos:
-Grand Crystal Flash-B(Charge),F,B,F+P
-Sky High Illusion-DB(Charge),DF,DB,UF+P
-Scarlet Terror-B(Charge),F,B,F+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Sky High Claw
-K-Flying Barcelona Claw

Meteor Combo:
-Rolling Izuna Drop-DB(Charge),DF,DB,FU+K then D+P(Near)

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:

Super Combos:
-Shinku Hadoken-QCFx2+P
-Midare Zakura-QCFx2+K
-Haru Ichiban-QCBx2+K

Momentary Combos:

Meteor Combo:
-Nekketsu Hadoken-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Ryu-LP,LP,B,LK,HP


Special Moves:
-Chugekihou-QCF+P then F+P
-Shinkugeki-QCB+P or B+P after Chugekihou
-Shinkyakugeki-QCB+K or B+K after Chugekihou

Super Combos:

Momentary Combos:

Meteor Combo:
-Shirase Katana-QCFx2+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:

-Transformed Hokuto-
(Moves after performing a Kakusei)

Special Moves:
-Same as above

Super Combos:

Momentary Combos:
-Same as above

Meteor Combo:
-Same as above

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Kairi-LP,LP,B,LK,HP


Special Moves:
-Skullo Head-DP+P then P
-Skullo Crusher-QCF+P
-Skullo Slider-QCF+K
-Skullo Tocachev-RDP+K

Super Combos:
-Super Skullo Crusher-QCFx2+P(Air)
-Super Skullo Slider-QCF+K
-Neo Skullo Dream-LP,LP,F,LK,HP
-Skullo Energy-QCBx2+K
-Skullo Ball-QCBx2+P

Momentary Combos:
-P-Skullo Head
-K-Skullo Slider

Meteor Combo:
-Super Skullo Energy-QCBx2+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:

-Doctrine Dark-

Special Moves:
-Dark Wire-QCF+P
-Dark Spark-No button presses after Dark Wire for awhile
-Dark Hold-B+P After Dark Wire
-Kill Wire-DP+P

Super Combos:
-Kill Card-QCF,D,DF+P
-Dark Shackle-QCF,D,DF+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Kill Blade

Meteor Combo:
-Death Trap-QCBx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:
-Dash Straight-B(Charge),F+P
-Dash Uppercut-B(Charge),F+K
-Final Dash-QCB+P
-Final Punch-PPP or KKK Chargeable
-Batting Hero-HCF+P
-Jack Hammer-360+P(Near)

Super Combos:
-Homerun Hero-QCBx2+P
-Crazy Jack-B(Charge),F,B,F+P
-Raging Buffalo-B(Charge),F,B,F+K
-Grand Slam Smasher-QCBx2+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Dash Straight
-K-Dash Uppercut

Meteor Combo:
-Homerun King-QCFx2+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Vulcano Rosso-B(Charge),F,B,F+PPP


Special Moves:
-Half Moon Kick-QCF+K
-Prisoner Scissors-D+K After Half Moon Kick
-Gale Hammer Punch-QCF+P then P
-Bermuda Symphony-DP+K

Super Combos:
-Shuttle Combination-QCBx2+P
-Hell Fire-QCFx2+P After Load
-Sharon Special-QCFx2+K(QCB+K to cancel)

Momentary Combos:
-P-Gale Hammer Punch
-K-Bermuda Symphony

Meteor Combo:
-Assault Rifle-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:
-Sanrenkon-QCF+P then F+P
-Kasumi Oroshi-QCB+K then K
-Gekkyoubotan-RDP+P then P

Super Combos:
-Yayoi Toukongi-QCBx2+P(Air)
-Izayoi Rekkon-QCFx2+P

Momentary Combos:
-K-Kasumi Oroshi

Meteor Combo:
-Machiyoi Tenkyugeki-F+LP,LP,F,LK,HP

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Hokuto-LP,LP,B,LK,HP


Hidden Characters Move Lists:


Special Moves:
-Tiger Shot-QCF+P
-Ground Tiger Shot-QCF+K
-Tiger Blow-DP+P
-Tiger Crush-DP+K

Super Combos:
-Tiger Cannon-QCFx2+P
-Ground Tiger Cannon-QCFx2+K
-Tiger Raid-QCBx2+K
-Tiger Genocide-QCBx2+P

Momentary Combos:
-P-Tiger Shot
-K-Ground Tiger Shot

Meteor Combo:
-Tiger Storm-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:

-M. Bison-

Special Moves:
-Psycho Crusher-B(Charge),F+P
-Double Knee Press-B(Charge),F+K
-Head Press-D(Charge),U+K
-Skull Dive-P After Head Press

Super Combos:
-Psycho Cannon-B(Charge),F,B,F+P
-Nightmare Knee Press-B(Charge),F,B,F+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Psycho Crusher
-K-Head Press

Meteor Combo:
-Psycho Smasher-B(Charge),F,B,F+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Vega-B(Charge),F,B,F+KKK


Special Moves:

Super Combos:

Momentary Combos:

Meteor Combo:
-Kyoujin Sanshuu-QCBx2+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:

-Shadow Geist-

Special Moves:
-Demon Crusher-DP+P
-Demon Break-QCF+K
-Demon Press-RDP+K
-Demon Sword Kick-QCF+K In air
-Demon Samu-QCB+K In air

Super Combos:
-Super Demon Crusher-QCFx2+K
-Demon Government-QCFx2+P
-Demon Dream-LP,LP,F,LK,HP
-Demon Dream-360x2+P In air
-Demon Energy-QCBx2+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Demon Crusher
-K-Demon Press

Meteor Combo:
-Super Demon Energy-QCBx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:


Special Moves:
-Mekku Zangeki-RDP+P
-Maryuu Rekkou-DP+P
-Shinki Hatsoudo-QCF+P
-Moryou Kasen-QCB+K then B+K

Super Combos:
-Shinki Hatsoudo Kai-QCFx2+P In air
-Sairou Kyoushu-QCBx2+P
-Garyuu Messhuu-QCFx2+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Shinki Hatsoudo
-K-Moryou Kasen

Meteor Combo:
-Kyouja Renbu-LP,LP,F,LK,HP
-Shouki Hatsoudo-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:

-Pullum Purna-

Special Moves:
-Drill Purrus-QCF+K(Air)
-Pullum Kick-DP+K
-Ten'el Kick-QCB+K
-Femina Wind-QCB+P In air

Super Combos:
-Praec Larum-QCBx2+K
-Res Arcana-QCFx2+K
-Kind Wind-QCFx2+P

Momentary Combos:
-P-Femina Wind
-K-Drill Purrus

Meteor Combo:
-Gradus Par-QCFx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Darun-QCBx2+PPP


Special Moves:
-Reverse Gear-RDP+P After catching a projectile with Emulator
-Humming Rush-QCF+P
-Jackson Kick-QCF+K
-Pop-up Knee-F+LK After Jackson Kick
-Partition Break-F+MK After Jackson Kick
-Pull Down Heel-F+HK After Jackson Kick
-Upload-PPP In air, release to launch downward
-Download-PPP Release to launch upwards

Super Combos:
-Great Cancer-QCFx2+P(Air)
-Five Star Raid-QCFx2+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Humming Rush
-K-Alternative Kick

Meteor Combo:
-Final Cancer-QCBx2+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:

-Darun Mister-

Special Moves:
-Ganges DDT-DP+K
-Darun Catch-RDP+P(Can be used as an air counter)
-Brahma Bomb-HCB,UB+P
-Indra Hashi-HCB,UB+K

Momentary Combos:
-K-Ganges DDT

Meteor Combo:

Meteor Tag Combo:
-With Zangeif-360,DF,QCB,UB+KKK

-Vulcano Rosso-

Special Moves:
-Etna no Ikari-PPP,K
-Canassa no Kutsujoku-QCB+K
-Vesuvious no Ikari-QCF+P

Super Combos:
-Tame Iki no Hashi-QCFx2+P
-Pisa no Shatou-QCB,D,DB+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Etna no Ikari

Meteor Combo:
-Quattro Shiki-QCFx2+KKK

Meteor Tag Combo:

-M. Bison II-

Special Moves:
-Psycho Crusher-B(Charge),F+P
-Double Knee Press-B(Charge),F+K
-Head Press-D(Charge),U+K
-Skull Dive-P After Head Press hit

Super Combos:
-Psycho Cannon-B(Charge),F,B,F+P
-Nightmare Knee Press-B(Charge),F,B,F+K

Momentary Combos:
-P-Psycho Crusher
-K-Head Press

Meteor Combo:
-Psycho Break Smasher-B(Charge),F,B,F+PPP

Meteor Tag Combo:



-Hidden Characters-

Each time you beat the game with a unique character, a hidden character will
unlock. This must be done in original mode.

Character    # of Times
Sagat        -1
M.Bison      -2
Garuda       -3
Shadow Geist -4
Kairi        -5
Pullum Purna -6
Area         -7
Darun Mister -8
Vulcano Rosso-9


If you earn all the medals of a particular type you unlock something. You earn
the medals by selecting and completing a task that you select on the partner
select screen in original mode.

Bronze  -Sakura becomes the anouncer(To activate hit select on Sakuras picture)
Silver  -Unlocks Bison II(To use him hold select over M. Bison while selecting
your character)
Gold    -Unlocks Evil Ryu(To use him hold select over Ryu while selecting your
Platinum-Vs.Bison II & True Bison added to Arena Mode

-Alternate Unlocks-

If you think getting the Medals is to hard, then you can also unlock them like

Bronze  -Beat original mode with Sakura 8 times
Silver  -Beat original mode with M. Bison 8 times
Gold    -Beat original mode with Ryu 8 times
Platinum-Beat original mode and fight True Bison 4 times
         Beat original mode and fight Bison II 4 times

-True Bison/Bison II-

To fight True Bison you must get to M. Bison on Hard difficulty. And to fight
Bison II you must get to M. Bison in Normal difficulty without continuing,
getting over 500,000 points, finishing each battle with either a Critical
Meteor Tag Combo, or Meteor Combo, or Get to M. Bison in hard mode without

-Dark Kairi-

If you are playing on the Japanese version you can hit Down-Left on the
while highlighting Zangeif on the character select screen. Dark Kairi is
identicle to
the normal Kairi after a Kyuja Renbu. We can thank Capcom for removing this in
the US
version in favor of a Random Select.


Combo Guide:

Coming Soon!


Character Edit Guide:

Coming Soon!


Final Thought:

If you have any more information, combos, secrets, or suggestions for the next
update please e-mail them to me at I am also
interested in the Cycloid rumor.



In no particular order:
-CjayC-( opperating the best gaming site out there. And for
the other Street Fighter EX3 guide. Didn't take anything from it, but I learned
from it.
-Capcom-( putting out the best fighting games ever.
-Arika's web site-( some moves and some of the Medal unlocks.
