He's treating a patient at the moment; please feel free to have a seat on the couch. He'll be back in just a few minutes.
You look around you, and see a tastefully arranged workspace. The desk is dark wood, and a green glass desk lamp illuminates the surface. There are diplomas on one wall, but what really catches the eye is the art: prints of square-rigged ships, tall masts silhouetted against the sky.
There are two bookcases, full of texts and medical references.
If you'd rather not wait for him, go back to the ER Entrance. and continue your tour of Rampart.
Or drop into the Break Room; you might catch him there, if he's finished with his patient.
Dr. Brackett is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
He would probably also be a fellow of ACEP : The American College of Emergency Physicians.