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Breaking Point

Breaking Point

All graphics are from the Breaking Point website.

My sister Sarah and I totally fell for Breaking Point when we went to see Fuel sometime in October of 2001. We were hooked halfway through the first song. They were just awesome. It was one of the best live sets I've ever seen. If you ever get a chance to see them, GO!

As a sidenote, it was actually the *only* set we got to enjoy that night. The Fillmore crowd went just a little crazy, being right up front we got the worst of it and had to be pulled out during Fuel's first song. We limped over to the t-shirt stand, hoping Breaking Point was still hanging out there, thinking we should get a t-shirt or something to remember them by...but then we found we only had $10.00 left. But then we spotted Breaking Point's debut album Coming of Age for sale. And wow, it was exactly $10.00! We both agreed it was the best ten bucks we spent for awhile. (Actually, Sarah is pissed because I ran off with it and she never gets to hear it.) It almost made the cuts and bruises heal instantly!

Ok, it's not that good of a story. I don't know why I told it. The point is, they are *really* cool and *really* good. I've now made it one of my missions in life to help get them the attention they deserve. My first task--this small webpage which cannot really do Breaking Point justice.

Learn more about the band--visit the official website. See pictures, read the road journals, post on the board (I'm there, posting as AvsGirl41, come and say hi!) watch videos--lots of fun stuff. Most importantly, see when they are coming to your city so you can check them out live!

Or even better! BUY THE ALBUM! Look, I even made it easy for you by linking directly:

And if you get that far, why, then you can do what I'm doing and spread the word--by joining the Street Team! It's easy and they deserve it. Plus, then we can all say, "Oh, I listened to Breaking Point long before they got big..."

Links to Breaking Point Fansites

Moon's Breaking Point Site

Star's BP Site

Got a Breaking Point fansite? Send me the URL and I'll add it to this list!

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