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A Gallery of Ioan
Because I'm a stupid idiot, I've deleted some of the nifty little Ioan graphics I had decorating the place. "Oh, I won't need THESE anymore and I really need to get over this pack rat habit." So, my apologies for how bare this looks right now.
Thanks to all my friends in the United Kingdom for keeping me updated. You know who you are.

A Miscellaneous Collection

Some of these photos are extremely large and take awhile to load. I'll shrink them whenever I get all my graphic editing software installed again.

A perfect Vogue model...and I am loving the sweater

Is this the face that launched a Disney film?

If this smile isn't worth a million dollars, it soon will be

Even without his hair, Ioan still looks hot

It's me he wants, not you!

Pretty fly for a Welsh guy

A man of fashion.

Proving once again that he is handsome without historical clothing

Come on, baby, light my fire.

Rebel Without a Cause?

I wish they could all be Cardiff boys...

"I'd like to thank the Academy...wait, wrong awards show!"

Ok, I have no caption for this one.

My name is Gruffudd. Ioan Gruffudd.

It's not Mission:'s Mission: Impossible.

A License to Kill.

From Wales, with Love.

It's so exhausting, the life of a secret agent. All those beautiful, double agents to sleep with.

He shoots, he scores.

102 Dalmations

"I don't know, Waddlesworth, there really aren't any pirates in the Hornblower films."

Looking very sweet and innocent as Kevin Shepherd.

More photos coming soon!

Horatio Hornblower

A *really* small photo collection of this most dashing of shipmen

Hornblower, back with a vengence...and a really cool backdrop!

Love the new uniform....

I just can't get enough of these ads.

"Horatio, is he a new character on the Sopranos or something?"

This picture made my bad day good.

Even in black and white, Hornblower is still sexy.

Sword in hand, Hornblower prepares to attack! (one of my favorites!)

A sunlit portrait

I want him as my math tutor. I'd never flunk again.

"Elisabeth--fetch me a towel!"

Solomon and Gaenor

A very very nice shot of Ioan

What I wouldn't give for a look like that from him...

Great Expectations

More cheerful than any Dickens character should look

Ioan as Pip.


Find Lowe in the officers lineup!

Lowe Looks For Survivors

"Is anyone alive out there?"

Lowe offers Rose a cup of tea.

Lowe tells Ismay off.