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Beth's Map O'The Internet

Beth's Map o'the Internet

So, you want to visit the sites Beth visits? Well, here they are, sorted by catagory. Knock yourself out!

My Friends & Family

HrafnheimThis is the homepage of one of my very best friends, Beau Salsman. It puts mine to shame! Be sure to look at his gorgeous photography.

A Pug's Life This is my sister Sarah's site. Ok, this page is devoted to Quincy, but it is closer to a homepage than her Jamie Bamber site. Eventually, she will get her homepage up, but it doesn't mean your excused from visiting Qunnie's cute page.

Shut Up, George! This is a really funny page detailing our friend Jacob's adventures at college. Includes Dumpster Diving tips.

Movies & Actors

The View Askewniverse Kevin Smith's website. It's cool and if you like message boards, there's a big one here where Smith himself posts replies to fan's questions. Ben Affleck has been known to visit too. Also has an awesome store, selling, among other things, the "Buddy Christ" from Dogma.

Aint It Cool News I'm not real crazy about this site, mainly because they've become such sell-outs. But their reviews, while often poorly written, are usually dead-on. I like posting in the tv talkbacks, if you see IMScully33, you'll know who it is!

The Official Harry Potter Site This probably should go under books, but it's more geared towards the film. Go get sorted, buy your wand, send a Howler and play Quidditch. If anyone cares, I'm a Chaser for Gryffindor. A site of Indiana Jones stuff. They have articles on the Ark of the Covenant which are fun to check out.

Numenor An amazing site devoted to Lord of the Rings. The only thing is, it's in French so it's a bit hard to decipher where anything is.

The Quintessential Lord of the Rings Site Another great LOTR site. Yes, I am a giant geek but I don't speak Elvish or anything.

The Goran Visjnic Site An amazing site, loaded with pictures, of the only reason I still watch "ER"

Goran Visjnic Pictures I have no idea where the home site of this is, but it's a beautiful gallery of Goran pictures--including one of him as a toddler.

Dougray Scott A site for the hot Scottish actor, Dougray Scott. A long time ago, I ran a Dougray Scott site, but gave it up because I couldn't compete with these nice people. However, I do still run the forum, though I don't post much.

Ioan Gruffudd Home Page A nice site for Ioan Gruffudd, though I am skeptical of anyone who claims to have spotted him in Titanic. I'm just jealous cause it's so much better than mine. I want to know where these people get their contacts.

Ioan Gruffudd Online Another really nice Ioan site, with digitally enhanced pictures.

The Official Gillian Anderson Web Site This is an enormous page and run by a group of fans, which is why it's better than most official pages.

Stephen Snedden Online I don't know if Stephen Snedden will ever be in anything besides "The Lone Gunmen" but he sure is cute.

The Official Jason Behr Website Now this is an official site that is not very good, but has potential. But it's got plenty of pictures of Jason Behr, so that helps overcome it's shortcomings.

Welcome to the Corner of Viggo I like Viggo Mortensen alot. And this is one of the few sites out there with any content--and it is a very nice one. But it annoys me Orlando Bloom's sites severely outnumber his.


The Haven X-Files is not on anymore, but this site is the best for everything X-Files, even if she is biased towards David Duchovny updates.

X-FilesMusic.Com All the music that was ever on X-Files is on this site.

Jackass Freaks Anonymous A nice site for fans of MTV's twisted reality/stunt show "Jackass." The show isn't on anymore, but you can still visit sites like this and revist the good, clean Johnny Knoxville fun.

Danger Mouse Remember the show Danger Mouse? No? Well, it seems other people do which really relieved me, because other than my drawings of Penfold, I had no proof he existed.

Spongebob Squarepants Fan Club A kid-friendly site devoted to Spongebob Squarepants, my favorite cartoon. Submit fan art, post on the message boards and visit the links to Spongebob merchandise.

The Church of Spongebob Squarepants A Spongebob church. Really. Visit if you don't believe me.

Angel's Acolyte This is a neat site for "Angel" my X-Files replacement. Pictures, spoilers and episode recaps, in case you miss it as often as I do.


The Goo Goo Dolls The official page for the band. Robby writes daily updates, answers e-mail and runs contests for band goodies constantly. Tons of pictures, merchandise and downloads. Register with them and Robby will wish you a happy birthday.

Mark Tremonti Unlimited: DROOL A fan site for the only reason I still listen to Creed, lead guitarist Mark Tremonti. There's lots of pictures. Of course, I like him just for his awesome playing... ;)
Mark Tremonti Pictures This is actually a Creed site, but I'm linking it to the only part I like--Mark Tremonti pictures.

Breaking Point The official site for Breaking Point, a really cool up and coming band. We saw them at the infamous Fuel concert and were the only good memory we have of that night. If only *this* lead singer had been the one who liked me....

U2 Interference A huge U2 site and a favorite of Bono's. It's has everything U2 you could want, except MP3's.

The U2 Mansion This site has the best collection of U2 pictures I've ever seen. Wasn't Bono a hottie in the 80's?


Mile High Stanley's Avs Page The one of the nicest Avalanche sites and probably the one of the few that has been updated since 1996! My only complaint was that he thinks the Adam Deadmarsh trade was the best thing ever.

Colorado Avalanche >> 24-16-6-0 Another really nice Avalanche site that is constantly updated. It actually is surpassing the official site when it comes to keeping current.

Scott Parker's Official Page Scott Parker's official site. It's still under construction, but you can e-mail him and watch his greatest fights.

A Tribute to Ville NieminenA really nice Finnish page devoted to that talented and wacky Avs player.

David Aebischer Official Homepage The official site for the Avs back-up goalie, David Aebischer, from his Swiss fan club. Tons of pictures and information.

Shjon Podein's Official Site Shjon Podein won the NHL's award for charity work and he certainly deserves it. His site is devoted to his foundation and has some really nice photos.

Peter Forsberg! Pictures of the awesome hockey player! If pictures of Foppa are what you desire, this Swedish site has all of them. And I do mean all. If you ever wondered what Forsberg looked like as a child--and I'm sure many of you have--then visit here.

Hockey A site devoted only to hockey fights. Find out who's dropped the gloves recently and how your team's enforcer ranks. This site was very helpful when I wrote my infamous hockey paper.

Kuch's House of Hockey Autographs A cool page about hockey autographs. Tips on getting autographs, lists of players who will sign, addresses to write to and stories from fans.

Skate FAQ's If you want to rollerblade and can't, this site will try and teach you how. Also has good tips about buying street hockey gear.

Jess's Goalie Page A really cool page from a female goalie who won MVP from her team. If you want the basics of how to be a goaltender and don't want to invest in lessons, this is a good place to start.

Canadian Hockey Cards Rookie cards for all your favorite players, cheap.


The Tortoise Trust's Sulcata Care Sheet Very informative website and a wonderful rescue organization.

LLL Reptile Supply. A wonderful reptile store that will ship. I purchased Horatio from them.

The Tlady A tortoise site with some really well done wallpaper, icons and cursors for download.

Sulcata Station--Tortoise Table A sulcata care website that has plans for a really cool, two-story house. Horatio wants one of these very much.

Tortoise Aid A British sulcata site with some good information. They have a page devoted to shell pyramiding, with some very sad and disturbing photos that every tortoise owner should see.

Turtles in Myth and Folklore Not a very well done site, but the stories on it are very cool. It will make you look at your shelled one in a whole new way. A sort of "I scoop a deity's poop!" kind of way.

The Turtle Foundation for World Domination Just what it sounds like! It is run by Lori & Shakespeare, who is one of Horatio's close relatives.

The Crocodile HunterThis one is just for fun. :) This is the homepage of Steve Irwin, Croc Hunter! Star of the popular show of the same title on Animal Planet.

Funny Stuff

The Onion: America's Finest News Source At times, a more reliable paper than the Rocky Mountain News.

Conetastic A society helping to document each species of parking cone. You can buy your own baby cone here also.

Dress-Me David You've seen those dress up Michaelangelo's David magnets. Here's the on-line version you can dress up for free.

Name Generators A whole page of links to name generators. My favorites are the Hockey, Sopranos and Bond Girl generators. (For the record, my names in each catagory are: Yuri Rappeov, Junior Mint and Dumie Upright.)

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