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The Photo Album

Here, you will find lots of different and often extremely funny photos of me, my sister and occasionally others who I don't have consent from. I'm told that the links are annoying, but I don't have the time or patience to do thumbnails. And this way, you don't have to wait for them all to load, you just pick and choose what you want to look at. Enjoy!

And if you want to skip to the chase and just see what I look like:

I was told recently by a young boy that I looked like the Little Mermaid. Isn't that sweet?

I was running out of room for new photos, but couldn't bear to see the old ones go. So, I added a second photos page with photos ranging from 1999-2000.

"Do You Know the Way to Mordor?"

Finest in Southfarling!
Sarah, as Samwise Gamgee, enjoys some of the legendary pipeweed.

We need a man named Aragorn or Legolas!
This is a good shot of our costumes. My hair is atrocious, but it calmed down.

"Oh, Sam. I'm glad your with me."
This is my favorite hobbit photo. You can see Sarah's handmade Lothlorien pins.

"This is Sting! You've seen it before!"
In the hands of Elijah Wood, that is. I hate this picture, because it proves how much I look like him. But Sarah loves it, so here it is. I had to pretend I was buying the sword to get the picture.

"We are hobbits from the Shire. And our business is our own!"
Here we are being presented to the royal court--a daunting event for two little hobbits. The man in the red and black tunic kindly wrote his name in Elvish for me.

"I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way."
A final shot of the hobbits as they trudge back to Mordor--Smeagol nowhere in sight. You can see our awesome cloaks and Sam's detailed pack.

Groupie For a Night
Or, as we were also called, "Crew Sluts"

The Nixon Grin's bus
We didn't get to use this entrance, because it was blocked. But we went in the bus, my friends. Oh yes. We got into the bus.

The bus interior. Notice the bra above the door.
They wanted my bra to add to that collection, but I was rather fond of it. You can also see their collection of signatures--which we added to.

"I can drink as much as I want! Know why? Cause I'm the drummer!"
This is Skinny, drummer for The Nixon Grin.

We know Skinny had at least one beer by this point.
Here's another nice shot of our new friend. Danah is in the background.

"I want some of this love!!!" yelled Skinny
It must be stressed that none of us had met this young man before.

He shoots, he scores!
We know Danah had one beer and one Cosmopolitan by this point. I think this may be the photo that got us the "crew slut" nickname.

"I am strong. I can hold you...and I can hold you against this," said Skinny.
Skinny does something to Sarah that usually, only dogs do. By the way, Sarah had nothing to drink!

YES, there is one of me and Skinny. But it stars my least favorite body part--my ass. So, it will not be appearing on-line.

Me and Kevin of AM Radio
He liked my shirt.

Sarah and Kevin of AM Radio
We hung out with Kevin almost all night. Dinner, a cyber-bar and a trip to the band's van.

Sarah and Bryce of AM Radio
After the show. This photo is funny because they look related!

Frodo Baggins Does Halloween

Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
But they will come away with very sore feet.

A very rumpled and tired volunteer group
I'm on the far left, obviously. This photo spares you the sight of my feet.

Beth Brings Insult to the Game of Hockey
Sarah is also in these pictures, but she is a *credit* to the game of hockey.

"I have to skate backwards tonight and am about to throw up."
That's what I was thinking when this photo was taken. Check out the clashing socks!

Little Bitch Skoula and Sir Swish Tanguay
Sarah hates that we're wearing our masks, but she looks super bad-ass and cool in this picture. I look like...well...Squeak.

Ready Position
Here I am, ready position (except I'm not low enough) praying I do the drill right. That's one of the coaches, Robert. Unfortunately, he is wearing a Soviet Union jersey and we all know how those Russians oppressed us poor Czechs. But otherwise, I like him alot.

A picture straight out of the Avalanche program!
Go, Tangs, go! And quit hogging the puck!

"No really, Beth, you're doing good.
Here we are at the bench, having a one minute water break. Or as Sarah gripes "That ain't no one-minute water break." I'm unbuckling my Lecter-like helmet. And look how small my red gloves are compared to everyone else's.

"Can you believe I want to play goalie?"
Sarah, laughing and again looking extremely cool as she sends a perfect pass down the ice. You can see me in the background, looking extremely small and nervous.

And she was an American girl...
I like the multi-ethnicity of this shot. An American flag, a Canadian game and a Czech jersey. This is my practicing my wrist shot. I am very good at this.

Look at that awesome turn. I wish I was this good.
This is Sarah doing a crossover, or getting ready to do a crossover. Anyway, she looks cool.

Ok, I am sitting down now.
Here I am on the bench, taking a well-deserved water break.

I bet he feels like Patrick Roy right now.
I take a weak shot at the goalie. The goalie stops the shot. He does not even break a sweat.

"I'm going to kill you!"
Here I am, playing wing. The woman across from me hit me in her zone. So, I just hit her back and attempted to trip her with my stick.

I hope he would be proud.
Here is a great shot of the back of my Czech Olympic jersey. That's the only reason it's here. :)

The best way to enjoy hockey--sitting down! ;)
Here is our team bench during the scrimmage. This is a cool picture. I think they're probably reassuring me about overskating the puck.

My 20th Birthday

Opening the biggest present first.
It was Superbowl Sunday. I was recovering from the flu and feeling a tired and down as I think you can tell from my expression.

And suddenly, I am in a better mood!

My infamous Goonies sweatshirt. I love this sweatshirt but it gets alot of stares.

Oooh, more hockey cards!
Deadmarsh cards and a Skoula autographed card. What riches!

Avalanche-Red Wings tickets!! I get to see blood!
A larger version of the one above. I got tickets for the Red Wings, Avalanche game the following night. Very cool, very coveted!

The Avs wish Beth a happy birthday.
The game. This is a close-up of the player's bench--can you spot who's who?

Skoula on the Jumbotron. Happy Birthday, Beth! That's what he's really thinking.
I was hoping I'd get a check of a different kind later--specifically, a CZECH. :)

Mi Casa, Su Casa

He didn't even have to work to strike that pose
Ben prepares for his role in the "Indiana Jones farce." He is playing--you guessed it--Indy.

Danger's my Middle Name...
The perfect photo of Jacob. Sarah is proud of how those signs are fixed just right.

"I'm sad because I'm in jail."
And that's where having the middle name of Danger will get you--in the slammer.

"ARG! Get yer hand off me rapier, lass!"
After a quick dry and change into pirate garb, Ben is ready for the next show. Cruelly, he muscled me into his picture--no worries for him, he always photographs well!

The Dread Pirate Roberts!
The one show Ben did not end up in the water. It looks like it, but he pushed everyone else in.

"Hey, those chicks are flashing me!"
Ben looks down at his adoring audience. If Casa Bonita has a rock star, it's Ben.

Fun on the Ice

"I'm cute! She said I'm cute!"
Sarah and her *other* boy, Radim Vrbata. She told him he was adorable. He blushed and laughed. And somewhere, Alex Tanguay is weeping.

YES, there is a picture of me and Skoula together which should go here. But, it won't. Not until I get over how incredibly scared and horrible I look in it. If you want to see the photos of him, go to the Avalanche page.

They make a cute couple, don't they?
Sarah and her boy, Alex Tanguay. He really liked her--she denies it, but I saw the way he smiled at her! (We have no idea who the guy sitting next to him is.)

"I'm just saying, one of us might need a nap is all."
Sarah and I skating at the NHL Fantasy. We didn't fall once, because we're that damn good. I look a little scary, maybe it's because I was very tired, or maybe it was because I'd actually seen Martin Skoula's old hockey gear just moments before.

"You had your fun on the ice, now it's time to pay!"

This is me playing that I'm Adam Foote and punching out Steve.

Now introducing, Right Defense, Squeak "Little Bitch" Scolari!
Looking drunker then Eddie Belfour, here's the newest and possibly worst player of the Colorado Avalanche--with 233 penalty minutes to her season!

Cold as ice
Watch out Peter Forsberg. The newest center for the Avs, Sarah may lose all facial structure and teeth, but will be very rich and famous.

Some Like It Hot

Waiting for that gust of wind...
Sarah as one very good Marilyn Monroe.

"Do you think Alex Tanguay could stand in for Joe DiMaggio?"
Another really good shot of Sarah.

The Empire meets Ye Olde Britannia

"And Shakespeare said "Lady, have thee a farthing, for my mother did tell me to summon her..."
A really nice shot of me and Sarah in garb.

An extreme close-up of me that everyone likes
I didn't say I liked it.

And if we, gentle mortals, did offend...
I'm putting on a avant garde version of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and this is who I've chosen to play Puck.

Casting call for the sequel to Moulin Rouge
Hey, stormtroopers can pull off anything.

I am not sure which muskateer he is.
I look weird in this photo. I don't know why, I was perfectly happy.

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