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The Photo Album
Page Two (Roughly the 1999-2000 pictures)

Roswell, NM

Just a few of our tawdry extraterrestrial adventures in Roswell. While the town is really funny, we were disappointed that the television show is such a lie. We didn't see any guys that hot.

Chug, Chug, Chug!
Sarah learns the joy of dorm life.

I'm so tired of doing autopsies
This is what happens to Scully when she's left to her own devices.

Want to be abducted, baby?
Drunk and tricked into thinking this alien *was* one of the hunks from "Roswell", Sarah gets cozy.

The strange and twisted life at B&N

Are we doing the DiCaprio version?
Ah, the romance, the passion of Romeo and Jul...hey, were we supposed to memorize this scene?

And another one bites the dust...
Mercurtio, as played by Sarah, is killed by Tybalt. Maybe it was because she didn't have a sword?

Your moment of zen.
Friends asked me when I had time to be Beth. Here I am as Madeleine, which was lots of fun because I could see *and* breathe.

Shortly after this photo was taken, Brother Bear broke the camera
Here Jessica and I are as the Bearenstein Bears. I'm the freakishly tall looking Sister Bear. The inside of the suits smelled just like the elephant house at the zoo. And Jessica rocks, for making the Hokey Pokey look like something out of a Ricky Martin video.

Once we get back into Receiving, I'm gonna wipe that smug grin off your face, Brother!
And this was after we threw our paws off and got into a Deadmarsh-Hatcher style fight. Brother Bear pretty much kicked my ass, as you can tell from my expression and crooked hairbow.

Is there a kid in front of me? Seriously, guys, I can't see!
This little girl hugged me so many times. Maybe she indentified with getting pummeled by her brother, too.

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