Interview with Rebecca Clark (nov 2002)
Just a note: I did not have a recorder and did the best I could to write down everything Lisa said as accurate as I could!!

RC: What have you been up to?

LL: I have been recording a lot, touring in Japan and US and I have also been doing other things other than music. I have been voice overing for the character Mary Jane___ for the animated series Spiderman that will air next year on MTV. Right now we are piloting for a show, I can’t really talk about it right now because it is still going on. I just recorded a video for “under Dog” which Zappa and I wrote and directed.

RC: Did you always want to be a singer or did you just stumble on to it?

LL:I always wanted to do something in the rhelm of music. I wanted to be more of an actor and dancer, but when I went to college I began to write more. I have always been a music fan I went to a lot of concerts and bought a lot of records. I was a DJ in high school and was in cover bands.

RC: What do you think you would be doing now if your music career didn’t take off?

LL: I think I would have been more of an actor or gotten into psychology studies of the brain to learn how it works. Working with kids mainly with self –esteem issues. I am also into physical training and psychology. Another thing that my sister and I have been talking about lately is the physiological state and physical activity

RC: Who or what inspires your writing? Does your personal experiences shine through?

LL: Both - because I am human and it is hard not to write about personal experiences. I am starting to write more about myself. I used to think that writing about yourself wasn’t crafty and wasn’t art and more of a journal type of writing. But now that I have been listening to different artist I see more of bravery in writing things happening in life.

RC: What made you decide to go with artemis records? I usually think of hardcore bands like kittie…

LL: Actually this label has more songwriters like Rob___ Artemis records are more focused on the creative side of music. They are more open and creative ion their marketing techniques. They are more hands on and you feel more involved and not part of a machine.

RC: Any label advice for artist out there?

LL: It all depends if they want to be in a band or what they want to do. They need to figure out why they want to get signed. Get a following and more experience. And get a more solid fan base. Do not go for a label until you know you are ready and really need to. The only reason you need a label is because they give you money to get going, but remember you do have to pay it back. If you do decide to go to a label and get signed try starting at a smaller label first. Big labels are a big place.

RC: What was the hardest track to record on Hello Lisa?

LL: Actually the recording process was pretty easy and went smoothly. I had good working relationships and got some good performances. That is one of the reasons why I left interscope because the record did not take long to record but it took so long to get the album released. It was just silly that it took so long to release Cake and Pie.

RC: I know you have not been on tour very long but do you have any hobbies to keep you sane on the road?

LL: Yes I do. I am learning Japanese on tape, I knit, I just got an Ibook where I play Sami which is a game where you create a family and live in a house…..I listen to music, write music. I am also starting to study the guitar again. A lot more guitar work!

RC: What made you decide to go on tour with the Goo Goo Dolls?

LL: They asked me to and I wanted to start touring again. They are good guys and their audience are good. They seem to love music and are people come to shows because they love music.

RC: What made you decide to have the Hello Kitty theme on your album?

LL: I have always loved hello kitty since 1976. I also had to change the album because we could not release Cake and Pie again on a different label, so we had to change the art and everything. I asked if I could use it and they agreed. They did the layout for the album cover. Hello Kitty is fun and serious, but doesn’t take herself too seriously like me.

RC: What CDs are in your CD player right now?

LL: A band called Travis, Frank Zappa Halloween ______, Becks’s new cd, although I have not listened to it a lot….and ACDC Back in Black.

RC: Are their any guilty pleasures in your CD collection?

LL: No I admit to everything. I think if you listen to it and like it, it shouldn’t be a guilty pleasure…but maybe Sigfread and Roy.

RC: As a woman in the music industry what has been you experience with the music business?

LL: I think it is more understanding now when a woman wants to be in a band. Before like when I first started women used to be considered folk music. Some men do put the pressure on certain people to be sexy. A lot of them underestimate the creativity of women. But it has gotten better.

RC: Is there any new artist that you are a fan of?

LL: Judith Owen, she is really great and Maya Sharp

RC: Any last words?

LL: Come check out the show and go to my web site If you have any request for the show be sure to email me and I will play them for you. I will be there after the my set to sign autographs if you want to come and meet me!

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