Minutes of 18th meeting September 13, 2002
                                   Marriott Country Club Plaza Kansas City, Missouri

    Meeting called to order by President Gordon W. Fisher: 0905

    Treasurer’s Report: Byron Carrell reported as of 10 Sept. there was $5,429.87 in checking and $4,468 in CD’s. Payments have been made this week, to:  Hotel $2,000: Entrance fees $764;  We have $7,428.03 on hand.  Prepaid members unable to attend: Max Rahe, Shirley Kendrick (Don’s widow), Lou Williams (surgery) and Bill Champion.

Site Committee: Dick Ramer had a small group meet Friday and they are enthusiastic about Omaha, NE with SAC base and museum there. “Jim” Eade reported that it would be possible for us to visit them.  He also said that Stillwell suggests Reno NV probable during Air Races there.  It was recommended that members should be polled in the FERRY TALES to get the majority’s desire.  Harry Protzeller suggested Branson MO.  Ralph Jenks said: By-law requires rotation between West, Central, and East city, with West due at this time.  East Coast cities are considered too expensive for us.  Mary Roffman, a new member suggested using resorts during their off season.  The general opinion is in favor of September or early October date.  Byron said we should pay travel and other expenses for Site Committee trips to inspect sites.
    Joe Stevens volunteered to chair the committee and recommended Northern Idaho or Spokane, WA. Majority approved his appointment.

Nominating Committee of Edie Southwick, and Dick Seebers suggested Joe Stevens, President, George “Jim” Eade Vice President, incumbent Joseph Clemow, Secretary and incumbent Byron Carrell, Treasurer, plus the five incumbent Chairs.  Gordon Fisher called for a vote on the slate and it was unanimous in favor.

Barbara Preston thanked the members for their support to her during illness. She listed fifteen deceased members and/or spouses.  She contacted seventeen members or spouses that were ill during the year.  She requests that any notice of death or illness should be promptly reported to her so that she can send a letter at the time.

Barbara, and Wayne Preston, Dick Seebers and Jon Maquire spoke of the great work Dorothy and Rocky Bravo did.  1987 was the first meeting he attended. ( also for yours truly)  He was the first enlisted man and he brought in many that maintain our Group.  Dorothy expects to attend future meetings.

Wayne Preston spoke of the Website being formed by his grandson Jeff Blanchette of Lakewood, Co.  Members are requested to send information to Jeff for transmittal to the membership, via our website.

The Gooney Bird has been kept by Harry  Protzeller and he promised to return it to the 2003 meeting.

Dick Seebers requested that members send any unwanted old military material or photographs to Jon Maquire or to:
    100 H Street, Suite 5
    Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4332

Meeting adjourned at 1012

Respectfully submitted by :  Joe Clemow, Secretary. September 17, 2002

The Reunion Banquet was delayed by the failure of the Color Guard of Fort Jefferson to arrive.  After the invocation by Byron Carrell, a tasty barbecue buffet was enjoyed.  All guests were introduced and welcomed.  
    The keynote speaker General George “Jim” Eade gave a very interesting report of his military experience.  It included his situations at SAC and the Pentagon.  Joe Stevens was introduced as the New President, and gave an acceptance speech.
    A young member of the hotel staff rushed home, changed to his Reserve uniform, returned to our meeting and nicely retired the colors to end the meeting.