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How do you prove Bigfoot Exists?

Currently, there are two schools of thought on obtaining proof that Bigfoot creatures exist in North America.  One view is that of American Scientists; that you cannot prove any creature exists unless you have a body to dissect on metal slabs.  All other evidence does not exist for them except when they want to prove a dinosaur lived by ressurrecting an entire animal around a tooth or bone fragment.

The hundreds of Bigfoot tracks found to date, the multitude of photographs of these tracks, a few hair samples from unknown primates, and thousands of Bigfoot sightings throughout North American by many credible eye witnesses, have all been ignored, for the most part, by the scientific community.  Those scientists/biologists who have decided through the preponderence of evidence that they themselves have investigated, these same scientists have truly been ostracized in their own academic field of endeavor by their own colleagues.  Its not an easy thing for accredited scientists/biologists to step forward and make public their findings on this massive amount of evidence that can eventually prove that Bigfoot exists.

This forces most researchers to decide that there is no other way to prove Bigfoot's existence (after they've spent years and countless hours gathering track casts, photos, hair samples, etc.) except by dragging a Bigfoot out of the woods, dead or alive, and throwing one down on the scientist's doorsteps.  Regardless of whether one has seen a Bigfoot or not, this seems to be the most frustrating part of Bigfoot Research.

The Ohio Bigfoot Search Group Club takes their own stance in these bewildering days for credible eye witnesses that are trying to prove to the world that Bigfoot does indeed exist.  We are of the NO KILL school of thought. We do not want to see a Bigfoot brought in to be dissected at some scientist's leisure.  Therefore, we are going to continue as we have over the last six years, and that is to continue our pursuit of obtaining photographic evidence of the Ohio Bigfoot's existence.  It is our sincere hope that soon we can ask the State of Ohio and these United States for protection of "OUR" Great Apes!  We can only say that we are eye witness observers ourselves because we have taken the days and long hours of necessary field work, just watching, observing, searching for them, and learning things about these huge hairy creature's habitat. When we are truly blessed, we are allowed a glimpse of them.  One day we are hoping to hear someone say, "You did it, you have proven Bigfoot's existence without shedding a drop of their blood."

Dallas and Wayne


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