and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and
obstacles vanish." ****************** New Addition! Check our our new forum at ****************** "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." - Thomas Paine ****************** We are a Proud Member of the DEAA (Direct
| The Constitutional Review Committee will assist in writing legal briefs for specific issues for our members. Once an individual facing our court system has acquired an attorney, or more importantly, if you wish to act as your own attorney (Pro Se or Pro Per), we can assist by compiling a legal brief for your specific case. Depending upon the complexity of the issue, our assistance can save a great deal of money and time in preparing the legal brief which gives you the information you will need in your court case. As with our Research Services, having this information and the necessary paperwork in hand prior to going to an attorney can SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE your legal fees. Normally, 75 - 80% of an attorney's fees are for the administrative and paralegal costs of handling your case. Most attorneys are willing to negotiate their fees if you (or should we say WE do most of the "leg-work"). The state of our current judicial system is fraught with many violations of the "Rule of Law" under the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, we can make no claims or promises that the courts will follow the "Supreme Law of the Land" or that we can perform miraculous acts through finding the PERFECT cites and cases to support our clients. Our specialty is Constitutional Law, however, we can research any statute or legislation (Federal, State or Local) and provide you with every piece of pertinent information to assist you in your case whether it be civil or criminal. Benefits to our Clients
BackgroundOur organization members have the cumulative experience of over 1000 years researching the law, the founding of this country and the intent of the founders!
Depending upon the specific issue, the cost per brief can be from $25 to $500. As a comparison, a typical attorney fee to prepare a legal brief averages between $500 to $3,000 for an individual case. Please contact us for more information with a brief description of your specific issue and include the State and the statute or legislation where applicable. Once again: Disclaimer: All representations of the law and quoted sources are accurate and
complete to the best of our ability. We
make no claims as to how the courts may adhere to the “Rule of Law” or the
Constitution of the United States.
Brief Description:
Send mail to webmaster_CRC@constitutioncommittee.zzn.com with
questions or comments about this web site.